Back in the 70s I switched majors at LHU (Lock Haven State - TopicsExpress


Back in the 70s I switched majors at LHU (Lock Haven State College) and began the journey that led me through 30 years as an elementary teacher. I think that we all know how important it is to have highly competent and inspiring models - especially as you begin a career. Lock Haven State College (LHU) had a Model School on campus ,Akeley School, where college professors and local teachers worked together as faculty. It was an amazing place to see. As students, we were allowed to volunteer there and some of us did our participation and student teaching in that wonderful laboratory for learning. This week we lost one of those incredibly innovative and energetic faculty - Ellie Zimmerman. If you were blessed enough to meet Ellie, you would never forget her. I had the great fortune to be one of her student teachers during her time at Akeley. What an amazing experience! She was a whirlwind of activity in the classroom. From the minute the kids hit the door until they headed for the bus at the end of the day, they were on a journey that kept them engaged, questioning, creating, and smiling She was the ultimate model for a kid headed into one of the most challenging careers on the planet. Anybody who knows Ellie will testify to her drive, energy, and never-ending quest to learn. Later in my career, I ran into Ellie at the RCRC - a computer lab at Penn State. Ellie was one of the first teachers in our area to drive there on a regular basis to learn how to use computers in the classroom. Her concern for creating rich learning experiences for her kids was the hallmark of her life in the classroom. We bumped into each other now and again even on into retirement (including being friends on Facebook) :-) I could always count on Ellie to be a straight-shooter especially when we were discussing education. I enjoyed how she would look me in the eye and smile a bit while delivering her point. Im going to miss those always brief but highly enjoyable moments. Most of all, I think we will all remember Ellie for her devotion to her husband and her family. Sadly, cancer has brought an end to a life that has been rich, full of adventure, and love. Farewell, Ellie. Thanks for your guidance and being there for all of us...especially the kids. God bless you.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 14:29:16 +0000

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