Back in the day, young people were considered naive and too - TopicsExpress


Back in the day, young people were considered naive and too idealistic. Especially small children and hippies, for example. Some old ladies were naive because they had been protected all their lives by their father and their husband. But today a lot of old folks seem VERY naive because they dont remember or never understood how things really work. They think nothing has changed evidently and they bought into all the b.s. we were taught. Or they believe the evening news and newspapers? That means they apparently assume they just dont understand difficult topics -- because the evening news and newspapers dont make sense. They contradict themselves. Dont these people realize that? And Rush Limbaugh tells outright lies! I didnt realize I was listening to him the other day but I was shocked by several things he said, wondering to myself, When did THAT change! When did scientists prove that 9/11 was really airplanes flown by Saudis into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon? But then I realized he was just lying. Big fat lies. If you know people who really listen to all that trash, please ask them to explain some of the contradictions. Can they tell us why the engineers and scientists are wrong who all agree the World Trade Center buildings (#1, #2, and #7 was it?) were brought down by explosives planted inside the buildings. And how do they explain all the other contradictions? How do they explain away the video of CNN rehearsing a sudden mortar attack, back around 2003? If they are too old, too busy, too upset, or too frail to take on such topics, then fine. But they need to stop voting as if those things were true. It is difficult to say which are accurate, proven theories and facts about these disasters. Some are faked to help undermine the credibility of people speaking the truth. I dont usually follow what Alex Jones says, but this video contains the clip that is said to be leaked by an outgoing CNN reporter. Whether this is found to be totally true or not, enough other lies have been uncovered that nobody can make a case anymore that a lot of the news isnt faked. How many other Middle East war scenes were really shot in Atlanta, Georgia? youtube/watch?v=KUKJ3lnEc_E
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 15:01:46 +0000

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