Back in the seventies, when we could sell mortgages at 12%, we - TopicsExpress


Back in the seventies, when we could sell mortgages at 12%, we could loan a few to our friends & neighbors, red-line the rest of the place, and make a bundle. Now rates are 4% and it takes a bundle of mortgages to make a pittance. What should we do? (2002) I cant afford to make such payments! (Poor Folks & Upward Mobiles) Sure you can. Inflation will allow you to pay us back in cheaper dollars and your house will appreciate in value. You are making an investment, not taking-on debt. Dont be a chump and pay rent to slumlords & profiteers. BE a profiteer! (Quik Loan) ................................................................................................................................................ It works! Our mortgages are selling like Hot Cakes to the Alaskans. A Garage for every car, and more chickens in our pots! You say you cant pay? So we foreclose, we snap up the foreclosures at the fire-sales and you look for a place in one of our tenements. (2007) Not enough rental units? We loan MOMONEY to the Rental Unit developers. Them landlords will always be able to pay and if they cant we will sieze all the assets of the Duke Brothers. *(TRADING PLACES) When we stop loaning to dead-beats & coloreds and make everyone put down 20% and insist that the value of the house be 4 times the cost of the land, that will cut-out everyone except our good friends and neighbors...... again. What a play! Instead of betting our money on high-risk bets like homeowners, we will put our chips down on the stock-market & Skyscrapers-on-the-Hudson. *(GOODBYE, MR. CHIPS) As the profits roll in, we will bury them in the Camen Islands (sorry about that Lucky Luke 19) for safety when the whole scam blows up. Hey Colino got aways with every bit of his booty, and only had to spend a few years in jail....and NOBODY in our business goes to jail anymore. (2009) ................................................................................................................ And like the ads for COMCAST say, Bigger IS Better aint it? (2014 / B.I.G.s) ............................................................................................................ THE FIFTH ESTATE: After John Andrews of Australia was fired as architect of his own work: Scouten, if you submit one more report like your last one, you will be fired too. (Asst. Director/ INTELSAT / 1986) NYTIMES November 10, 1984 Robert Colino, the new Director General of Intelsat, characterizes the potential satellite competition as a storm cloud. He says that allowing private satellite systems to serve only heavily used traffic routes could have a disastrous impact upon the economics of scale of Intelsat. In opposing the potential competition, Intelsat argues that it would have to raise rates to offset any loss of traffic and the pain would be greatest for poor countries. Intelsat is marching the poor in front of them so they can sustain an unsustainable monopoly... (T. McKnight, Orion Satellite Corporation) NYTIMES Dec. 4, 1986 WASH. DC. The two top executives of Intelsat have been dismissed immediately and for cause by the board of governors of the international communications consortium, INTELSAT......Richard R. Colino, Intelsats director general, and his top deputy, Jose L. Alegrett, had submitted their resignations over $2 million in payments authorized without the boards approval. Mr. Colino and Mr. Alegrett, Intelsats deputy director general for planning and business development, have denied wrongdoing and have not been charged with any criminal activity. NYTIMES May 21, 1987 Intelsat charged yesterday that its former chief executive received $2.4 million in kickbacks for the construction of a new headquarters for the international satellite consortium. It also accused him of setting up bogus consulting firms that funneled millions more to his Swiss bank account. LATIMES July 15, 1987 WASH DC. A former official of the international telecommunications satellite organization (INTELSAT)and two others pleaded guilty in a scheme to obtain $4.8 million through the rigging of construction and financing contracts for the agencys new headquarters. Richard R. Colino, 51, INTELSATs director general and chief executive officer from 1983 until late 1986, pleaded guilty to interstate transportation of money obtained by fraud. UPI July 15, 1987 Intelsat filed suit in May against Colino, seeking to recover the $11.5 million they said he bilked from the organization through a complicated scheme of kickbacks, and phony bills from construction companies and foreign consulting firms, which were then deposited in his secret Swiss bank account. Colino, before U.S. District Judge Gerhard Gesell, admitted his guilt in the scheme and his receiving and sharing in about $2.7 million. He told the judge he personnally profited by over $1 million. In a statement after the hearing, Colino disclosed that he had filed for bankruptcy protection because this outstanding claim of Intelsat greatly exceeds Mr. Colinos net worth. AP September 23, 1987 The former head of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization received a six-year prison term today for leading a bid-rigging and kickback scheme that defrauded the agency of $4.8 million. Richard A. Colino, who is 51 years old, was the former director general of the international agency commonly known as INTELSAT. He was also ordered to make restitution of $865,000, the amount prosecutors say he pocketed from the scheme. ......................................................... What happened to the other $4 million or so????? $300,000 a year f? Not to bad for just sitting around for six years. (Colino) By W.J. Hennigan, TRIBUNE NEWSPAPERS | July 16, 2009 In a major boost to its satellite-making business, Chicago-based Boeing Co. is expected to announce Thursday that it has won a contract potentially worth almost $1 billion to build satellites for telecommunications giant Intelsat Ltd. The contract to build four communication satellites, each of which costs more than $200 million to construct. John Andrews won the 1980 international competition to design the complex. The competition had taken place in 1979 with nearly 100 firms from 23 countries competing for the contract to design the complex. Intelsat was the initial occupant, but after its privatization in 1999 and its later mergers with PanAmSat. Comsat and Loral. Iits continued presence at the site has been uncertain.This is partially as it is looking for a smaller complex Today at seventy-nine years of age, in retirement, suffering from type 1 diabetes among other ailments, Andrews is a largely forgotten architectural figure. But he should not be. The recipient of many architectural awards and honours, Andrews has contributed much to Australian society through his architecture and other activities, notably as the first founding chairman of the Australia Council’s Design Arts Committee (1980–83). Typically Australian in his manner and attitude, he remains a forceful figure and a formidable opponent of “bullshit.” It is a sad thing to see so many of Andrews’ Australian works altered, some almost beyond recognition – for example RMIT Technology Library (1977) has been defaced, and the sun shields on the Parramatta Tower have been replaced. Now, in perhaps the worst example so far, his Sydney Convention Centre is slated for demolition. This is a travesty. architectureau/articles/john-andrews/
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 01:46:58 +0000

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