(Back story from the scripts of my Rangers Trilogy. Maybe if I - TopicsExpress


(Back story from the scripts of my Rangers Trilogy. Maybe if I make it in LA, we can see this become a reality someday. ENJOY!!!) Zedd Born on the planet far from earth called, Valdis, Zedd grew up very peacefully and happy. The society on Valdis was much like that of earth. Zedd had a family back on Valdis; a wife and 2 sons. He lived in the city of Goram and worked as a carpenter. He was happy and the entire city favored Zedd. For many years, he and his family lived in peace, but one day everything changed. His oldest son, Omak, because fatally ill to a sickness that the planet of Valdis had no cure for. Zedds wife, Lamya had given up hope and spent her days at Omaks bedside tending to him. Zedd refused to give up on his son & searched for another answer. After long contemplation, Zedd had the answer he was looking for. The city of Goram was power by a source called the, Zeo Crystal. This crystals powers were nearly limitless, but in the wrong hands, it could be used to destroy entire worlds. So the High Council placed a field of energy around the Crystal to prevent anyone from stealing it. Zedd, knew that using it to save his son would be possible, if he could somehow get a hold of it. Forek, one of the members of the High Council in charge of Goram, was a friend of Zedd. Zedd had come to him and begged that he be able to use the crystal to save his son, but there was nothing Forek could do. The rest of the council members refused Zedd access to the crystal, so he devised a plan to break into the Zeo Vault, but the Council members saw this coming. They devised a plan and lowered the energy field around the crystal. Once Zedd was inside the vault and had possession of the crystal, the guards were tasked to follow Zedd home for proof he stole the crystal. When Zedd arrived home, he showed his wife the crystal & her hope was restored. They went to Omak, and began the process of healing him, but before the process was complete, the guards of the High Council burst into the home and subdued the family. During the raid, Zedds wife Lamya was killed, sending Zedd into a frenzy, but it wasnt enough. He was apprehended and the Zeo Crystal along with him...and his sons illness returned instantly. Zedd was brought to trial, his crime were punishable by death, but Forek begged with the council to let Zedd live. Since, Lamya had been killed, the council members considered the blood debt paid. However, Zedd was beaten savagely & banished to the Sol desert. Word spread of Zedds banishment which caused a stir in the city. So much so that many revolted against the council, even some of the military personnel. Despite all odds, Zedd survived the encounter long enough in the desert that a traveler accidentally came across him. The traveler carried Zedd to his camp to help heal him. The travelers name was Zordon. Zedd healed quickly due to Zordons help, but psychologically, Zedd was destroyed. Filled with rage and hatred, Zedds judgment towards everything was clouded. Zordon could see the pain Zedd had in his heart and swore that he would help him. When Zedds body was healed enough, Zordon taught Zedd the powers of meditation that can heal his soul & also taught him how to defend himself. Through his teachings, Zedd started to control his emotions. Zedd stayed with Zordon for months and the two became good friends. In fact, Zordon was the only person Zedd could now trust. But as much Zedd tried to get better, his rage was always building inside of him. Eventually it became to much for him & he left Zordons camp and headed back to Goram. The first thing Zedd did was he looked for his son. It took a while, but eventually he learned that Omak was emitted into a hospital, but the illness eventually took over his body and he passed away. Upon hearing this, Zedd had lost everything. His soul was destroyed, & he was no longer the same. His rage consumed him and became who he is. Zedd stormed to the High Council Hall and began to kill everyone in sight. There was no control in what he did, just pure rage. Zordon saw that Zedd had left & knew where he had gone. Zedd intended to kill the Council memebers & take the Zeo Crystal once again, but this time...he would use it as a weapon. With the crystal....he would be unstoppable. Zordon caught up to Zedd just before he grasped the crystal and warned him of the consequences, & pleaded that he not throw away his life and friendship. However, Zedds judgment was to clouded to see reason. He grasped the crystal and a surge of energy released to him that burned his flesh and threw Zedd back. The crystal was broken in half from the explosion. He should have died, but his rage and will to see revenge kept him alive. Zordon couldnt help Zedd anymore, & locked him away in a cryo tube to save the rest of the planet from his rage. He sent the cryo tube to Valdiss moon Venus Island. Wanting to forget about Zedd, the friend he had gained and lost, Zordon set out amongst the stars to find a new home. He resided in Earth. Zedds cryo tube successfully made it to Venus Island, but it crashed landed on impact. This jarred the technology that protected Zedd from Valdiss suns gamma rays & he was awake from his sleep but trapped inside the cryo tube. Once the moons face turned towards the sun, the restraints framing Zedds body began to heat up and painfully graph to his skin, along with the oxygen mask. Not long after the moon turned away from the sun, a crew of Valdis military who supported Zedds cause of equality, followed his tracking beckon, and rescued the damaged Zedd. It took Zedd 20 years to fully heal & build his Army. He discovered that Zordon had been given half of the Zeo Crystal by the remaining High Council as a gift for saving their lives. Zedd had stolen the crystal that remained in Valdis, & was now searching for Zordon, so that he could steal the remaining half of the crystal and kill Zordon. But really..... the crystal is a secondary mission compared to killing him. Let me know what you think in the comments below! If you dislike it, tell me why and what you think needs to change! Dont be afraid man, I want the best character development possible!!!)
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 23:42:01 +0000

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