Back to Basics A RETURN TO BASIC VALUES Sen. Tom Harkin to step - TopicsExpress


Back to Basics A RETURN TO BASIC VALUES Sen. Tom Harkin to step down; media give his deceit a pass BY JIM KOURI ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 2013 This is article 2 of 2 in the topic 2014 Elections Iowa’s liberal-left Sen. Tom Harkin announced Saturday that he won’t run for re-election in 2014, according to Fox News Channel. While the media shower Harkin with accolades for his liberal-left agenda, few if any mention one of Harkin’s biggest lies regarding his military service in the killing fields of Vietnam. Harkin told several news organizations, including the Washington Post, that its time for him “to step aside” for new blood in the U.S. Senate. In 2014, Harkin will be 81-years-old as he completes his sixth term. The popular senator claims his departure will lead to a new crop of Democrats who will seek his senate seat. According to FNC, Harkin’s statement is a surprise move, since his campaign coffers already have close to $3 million. His campaign staff were also planning a fundraiser in February. Harkin claims one of his proudest accomplishments was his role in pushing the Senate’s vote in favor of 2010 health care bill, also known as Obamacare. According to political strategist, Mike Baker, Harkin’s resignation will ease the stress on the Republican Party, who must gain six seats to win the majority. Despite Harkin’s popularity with the mainstream news media, there have been serious lapses of honesty that deserve mentioning, according to former intelligence officer and police detective Mike Snopes. For example, during the Bush-Kerry presidential race, on the same day that the Fraternal Order of Police made their decision to support President Bush for reelection, Senator Harkin , a fierce Kerry supporter, was all over the news shows and cable news networks calling Bush a liar about his military service in the National Guard. However, according to Baker, Harkins allegations rang hollow and displayed on his part a hypocrisy which knew no bounds. For it was Senator Harkin who lied about his military record. In 1992, during his own presidential bid, Harkin advanced the myth that he flew fighter missions over Vietnam. It turned out that he never saw action in Vietnam. He was never a Vietnam veteran. Yet here was a liar calling the Commander-in-Chief a liar. “Truth be told, Harkin later switched his campaign biography description by claiming he was a Vietnam-era military member,” said Baker. During the Obama-McCain presidential race, Harkin viciously denounced McCain’s war record: “Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s family background as the son and grandson of admirals has given him a worldview shaped by the military, “and he has a hard time thinking beyond that. “I think he’s trapped in that. Everything is looked at from his life experiences, from always having been in the military, and I think that can be pretty dangerous. “It’s one thing to have been drafted and served, but another thing when you come from generations of military people and that’s just how you’re steeped, how you’ve learned, how you’ve grown up.” Go straight to Post Tags: Bush, Bush Kerry, Cable News Networks, campaign, Campaign Coffers, departure, Detective Mike, Former Intelligence, Fox News Channel, Fraternal Order Of Police, Harkin, Health Care Bill, Intelligence Officer, Kerry, Kerry Supporter, liberal, Mainstream News, McCain, mention, Mike, Mike Baker, military, news, Police Detective, Political Strategist, race, Republican, Saturday, Sen, Senate, Senate Seat, Senator, service, Snopes, Tom, Tom Harkin, U.S. Senate, Vietnam Posted in 2014 Elections, Democrats, Iowa, Politicians | No Comments » Ashley Judd to Run for Mitch McConnell’s Senate Seat? BY DOUG POWERS ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5TH, 2012 This is article 1 of 2 in the topic 2014 Elections If Ashley Judd would like to do some public service, she should first promise to never make a sequel to Twisted. From Politico: Ashley Judd vs. Mitch McConnell? It might not be as far-fetched as you think. The Hollywood movie star and eighth-generation Kentuckian is seriously exploring a 2014 run for the Senate to take on the powerful Republican leader, four people familiar with the matter tell POLITICO. In recent weeks, Judd has spoken with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) about the possibility of a run, has discussed a potential bid with a Democratic pollster and has begun to conduct opposition research on herself to see where she’s most vulnerable in the Bluegrass State, sources say. Whether Judd jumps into the race remains far from certain. She’s reportedly also weighing whether to wait until 2016 to instead take on freshman Sen. Rand Paul, sources say. Hopefully Judd waits until 2016, because I would pay to watch Rand Paul dismantle her in a debate. Presumably Judd would poll poorly among the Kentucky coal miner demographic. Irony flashback: Judd once said this about Sarah Palin: Got it. Wolf killing = cruel and senseless. Baby killing = not so bad: Go straight to Post Tags: Ashley, Ashley Judd, baby, Bluegrass State, coal, Flashback, Freshman, Hollywood, Hollywood Movie Star, Hopefully, irony, Judd, Kentucky, Kirsten Gillibrand, Mitch Mcconnell, movie, Opposition Research, Palin, Paul, Politico, Pollster, Rand, Rand Paul, Republican Leader, Sarah, Sarah Palin, Sen, Senate, Senate Seat, Sequel, Wolf Posted in 2014 Elections, Hollywood | No Comments »
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 16:20:37 +0000

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