Back to Dr Spar at 1 pm today to find out whats wrong with my left - TopicsExpress


Back to Dr Spar at 1 pm today to find out whats wrong with my left hand and right arm. I need to know whats going on as none of its good....... My left hand he said would take 2 years but I do not believe it is going to get any different than it is now, hope Im wrong here. There is something definitely wrong with the left arm and shoulder and I need answers to get back to my normal life. OK so Dr Spar said the right arm could take a year but Im going backwards here not moving forward . Bring on 1pm today because I need answers. I am not going to settle for well your 65 years old and you take longer to heal. I dont believe its my age - some thing is wrong in there. I do believe Dr Spar is a good Doctor , he sewed my left hand tensor muscle and tendons back together, when the ER Doctor said it was an infection then fixed my broken right arm humerus, he dealt with the ruptures and broken but when I broke my right humerus my right arm was totally black and blue from my neck down to my wrist, this happened on Feb 9th , 2014 and I still have faded black and blue dull between my shoulder and elbow, might add my elbow was twice the size but not broken. I still cant sleep laying down on my back as I wake up in pain. Unfortunately in my sleep I must roll over to my right side even though I prop my self in body pillows. One day I seem to be getting better and than the next I cant even bring a cup of coffee to my mouth with out pain. I did say I was going to be 100% going back to work but sort of blew it sanding and polishing recently and had to leave work 1 hour early last Friday. But the doctor said ny Humerus was healed right.This should not be happening my break was Feb 9th it is now June 26th.... Ok nurse cousins and friends give me your thoughts here as just lifting some days a coffee mug up hurts and my left hand is still swollen and stiff and goes numb and its kind of funny because when you think if something goes numb there would be no pain but there is????
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 06:42:11 +0000

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