Back to circulation, not sure we maintained any sanity, but what a - TopicsExpress


Back to circulation, not sure we maintained any sanity, but what a six days! Of course we did not leave here last Monday because of lighting and thunder starting 2 fires one being on our place. We left here Tuesday and headed to Target meadow up by tollgate. On the way by the pilot truck stop we saw a stack of hay on fire, as we were driving out of Weston we watched lightning start 2 fires! Got to our camp spot and set up in rain! The next day Molly and Ir hiked to the huckleberry patch, we got a gallon of berries and a thunderstorm went over just as we were leaving the patch, Paul had drove down to pick us up but by the time he found us we were almost back to camp, Molly jumped in for a ride I told him, I am way too wet to get in I will walk. The next day we decided maybe it was drier and the berries were better on the imnaha river where we always go so packed up and headed there. Got there and set up camp then more lightning and thunder. But the next day we drove to McGraw lookout tower and I got another gallon of berries and the brush was so wet my jeans were soaked from the knees down. That night while playing Yahteez with Cate and Heather we heard a storm coming, then a strike and immediately rumbling thunder we commented that was close the next day lots of rain. Then Saturday we went to pick at what we call the power line patch, dean and heather left to back to camp, Paul and I stayed to pick berries, I got 3 quarts and Paul called to me from the pickup, dean just called on the radio, there is smoke in the timber across the river from camp I didnt pick my way back to the pick up that time! Dean drove to Ollokot camp ground to report it to the camp ground host, We drove to where we could get cell service, Paul called 911, he got a dispatch in Idaho but they took all the info (he had his iPad with him and was able to bring up his flight program) including the latitude and longitude of the fire. We drove back to camp, Paul grabbed an axe and shovel, heather backed Deans back pack with water and cookies, Dean grabbed a shovel and the two of them walked across the river (only access to the fire) while us girls stayed at camp to flag down anyone the might be of help to report the fire. Soon a forest service ranger came to tell us there was smoke close to our camp, I told him, my son-in-law and husband waded the river and are putting it out until help comes, he said, I am calling La Grande to get help coming. Then a car pulled in two ladies we checking to see if we had any info, they were from the Somers fire on the lower imnaha and had been called from dispatch in Idaho! Next 2 forest service fire engines went by then a little later another one. Another group of campers had stopped to talk to us they were from enterprise so they went to where the could call Enterprise. They came back and visited with us, found out they knew my parents and especially my sister Joyce Cook Zollman, as we were talking Paul and Dean came back. They said there was a big hole in the ground with white around it and then the growth around it had started burning, remember the strike we thought was close, it really was! The forest service sent a crew across the river to take care of the fire! There was a spotter plane flying over shortly after we reported it too, Paul and I went back to another patch so I could get my gallon of berries for the day, I got them and found wild blackberries and got enough to make Paul a pie. Heather,Dean Stephens and Cate headed home while Paul and I stayed one more day. I got 2 gallons of berries, then heard thunder so headed back to camp, and didnt get wet this time, had a good rain. We got up and headed home this morning,got home about 2:30 pm. No lightning, thunder, rain or fire today! Crazy enough we did enjoy being out and probably will attempt to go the same place next year! The verse that came to mind was, my thoughts are not your thoughts nor My ways your ways saith The Lord!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 03:59:02 +0000

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