Back to the Basics ***** PART 1 ***** A Hard Truth For some of - TopicsExpress


Back to the Basics ***** PART 1 ***** A Hard Truth For some of my brothers and sisters in Christ, this post will make you angry, hurt, and sad, bring forth many negative emotions. For some of my brothers and sisters in Christ, this post will bring about happy emotions, joy, hope, etc. For some, although it’s sad to say, it won’t change them, at least at first. There is something that I have realized these past few days, as I study the Word of God, and read some really interesting Christian fiction titles. It’s a hard truth, but it needs to be addressed, desperately, not only for this generation, but for future generations as well. We as Christians are failing. From the first time we enter a church, or crack open our bibles, or spend quality time with God for the very first time, until the day our flesh returns to dust and Jesus comes back to this earth, we are being taught a very fundamental truth about our duty as Christians, and so many of us fail to live out that truth. Mathew 28: 19-20 says,” Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” This verse is a one of the most quoted verses of the bible, or at least we all recognize it. Anyways, in these verses, Jesus is speaking with the disciples about the Great Commission. Not only is He speaking to the disciples, but also to us. Yep, this one applies to us, the “modern Christians.” Generally, we leave the baptizing to the pastors and/or authority figures at our churches, and in my opinion, that’s OK. But I believe that we as Christians need to step it up a few notches on that other part, where it says, ”Go, make disciples of all nations…” There are so many of us who are “going through the motions” // ( { }The Motions by: Matthew West). // It’s exactly like going with the crowd because it’s what everyone else does. Christians are going about the faith like zombies. Going to church just because it’s what we’re “supposed to do” and we don’t get a thing out of it. That is, we don’t learn anything during the whole time we are there. Our worship, it’s rushed. Just like our time alone with God; IF we have regular alone time with God. To truly grow as Christians, we MUST slow down and carefully plan our days so that we have plenty of time to spend with God daily. Don’t rush your worship. If you’re singing and worshiping to a song, but you arent feeling the groove, stop and ask God to help prepare your heart and body for worship. We all know those people. The ones that have been going to the same church since they got baptized. They go faithfully, every Sunday and Wednesday, yet, when confronted, they might say that they truly don’t get a thing out of the service. I don’t like being the bearer of bad news, but someone has to say it, so it might as well be me. If you are one of those people, I’m just going to say it, no candy coating it. Move on! If you arent getting anything from church sermons, go find yourself another church. Pray that God leads you to the path He wants you to go to and go church hunting. Don’t worry too much about what others think. If you are not getting the spiritual food you need, then you just might be spiritually hurting yourself.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 04:07:28 +0000

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