Back to the beginning … “You must be born again” … no - TopicsExpress


Back to the beginning … “You must be born again” … no substitutes! Let me pose a question! When was the first time that you were born? Being born again infers that there was an initial birthing … so being born again (born from above … a heavenly birth) is a SPIRIT experience, Right? So keeping in the same spiritual vein, your first birthing was not natural in hospital with your earthly mother … Oh yes, that was your initial birthing physically ..., but we are comparing “apples with apples” (as the saying goes!)... if the second birth is spiritual, therefore so was your first. Nicodemus in John 3 voices the question most have … his quandary was answered by Jesus who added that it is needful to grasp the spirit so that one can see and enter the kingdom of God which is SPIRITual.(2 Cor 4:4) Christ was/is in the image of God (SPIRIT) … Adam likewise was in the image of God (Gen.1:26) … they are the same but God’s whole plan needed to be uncovered in the N.T.Your first birthing -- coming forth into this world -- was Christ-as-you in corporate-Adam-Christ wherein was all of mankind. God is in every man… (Gen.1:26) God said, Let us make mankind in our image and after our likeness … so mankind came forth as a spirit-man that was breathed into a formed earthly body. A living soul with the greatest potential and destiny of any living being.Our spiritual journey is noted in ...(Romans 11:36) For out of [Greek:EK] Him (Christ) and through Him (Christ) and (back) into HIm (Christ) are all things; to whom be glory for ever. (i.e. the mind of Christ (tree of Life). God made man and breathed into him the breath of life … spirit = breath. Salvation is therefore a re-awakening of the life initially breathed into you that has got covered up by flesh (natural).. Failure to come forth in awareness of Christ allows one to simply to EXIST… so, your current choice is either to LIVE or just EXIST? Your move!!!(Gal.4:19) The Christ-Spirit-man is being FORMED in you readying for the birthing into the fullness of the kingdom. [ to-be-continued ] quote by Ray and Shiela Knight
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 20:22:28 +0000

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