Back to zanthan gum: Im snooping around the net to find out how - TopicsExpress


Back to zanthan gum: Im snooping around the net to find out how much zanthan to use to thicken sauces and all Im seeing is this: As a thickening agent, the amount of xanthan gum you will use depends on how thick you want the liquid to be. In general, you will use a 0.2% weight ratio for light thickening, 0.7% for a thicker sauce, and up to 1.5% for a very thick sauce What does this translate to into English? how much would you need to thicken 1 cup of bechamel for instance, and would it be the same amount to thicken a fattier sauce, say from meat drippings? Ive found direct ratios for baking, e.g. 1 tsp per cup of gf flour for breads and pizza dough, 1/2 tsp per cup of gf flour for sweet breads, cakes, and cookies. Some sites say to make a slurry with a bit of water, as you would if using cornstarch, some say to sprinkle it right in. What is your experience and can you help with a liquid to zanthan ratio? Thanks!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 20:01:06 +0000

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