Background: I’ve received a lot of messages asking why some - TopicsExpress


Background: I’ve received a lot of messages asking why some friends are posting “get well soon” on my blogs and are also confused as to why I am in India. So let me open up and explain my problem from the beginning so everyone reading can understand how I ended up in India. Warning, do not read this before eating because it’s simply disgusting. All this is embarrassing for me to tell everyone so… here goes nothing. In April of 2012, in between jobs, I started to poop 3-4 times a day. This is very abnormal for me because my whole life I’ve been used to pooping only in the morning and occasionally once during the late afternoons depending on how much I ate the day before. After about 2 weeks of pooping 3-4 times a day, I stated pooping 6-8 times a day, and this time it was only diarrhea. I thought nothing of it and took diarrhea pills for about a week with no relief. One day after using the bathroom, I noticed blood on the toilet-paper and freaked out. Thought I had some sort of a stomach virus and gave it a week to clear. I told my mom that I think I am bleeding from my anus and she immediately called my doctor and made an appointment for the next day. Went to the doctor and she agreed that it must be a virus and I was prescribed some sort of medication which makes my diarrhea go away and forms the stools. After 5 days of taking the medication, my stools were formed, but there was still blood. I was then sent to a GI Specialist who wanted to perform a Colonoscopy. After the Colonoscopy, I was told I have Chronic Ulcerative Colitis along with IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) and external Hemorrhoids; I had never heard of any of these. During this time, I had started working at US Airways in Tempe the drive to work was a nightmare. I always had to poop during the drive in the morning and ALWAYS pooped as soon as I got to work. I am sure my co-workers noticed that I walk into work and head straight for the bathroom. Trying to make good first impression at work, I tried a couple times not to head to the bathroom as soon I got there, but I just couldn’t help it. After taking the prescribed medication for about a month, I had no relief. I was still bleeding and using the bathroom multiple times a day; if anything, my problem was getting worst. Just before my birthday in August, for the first time I had a moment where I couldn’t make it to work. I was driving on the I-60 W about to take the I-10 W exit towards Broadway and I couldn’t hold it, I ended up shitting in my pants. Greatly discouraged, I turned right around and drove home because I did not know what else to do. I called my brother on the drive home and explained to him that I needed the garage open, the downstairs bathroom, a towel, new set of clothes, and lots of paper towels. Still half asleep, he did exactly what I had asked without asking any questions. Cleaned up and drove back to work. Got to work at 9 am, first time I had ever been late to work. My boss didn’t ask me why I was late or even notice that I hadn’t been there. This happened 2 more times and then I finally opened up to my doctor and told him I am not getting any better; bleeding is still there and I am now starting to lose control over my bowel movements. I was starting to poop in my pants all the time while driving, sometimes even when I was at home sitting on the couch! The doctor performed a second colonoscopy to confirm the findings from the first test and to see if months of medications had even moderately helped my colitis. The results were the same; Chronic Ulcerative Colitis, IBD and External Hemorrhoids. Prednisone (steroids) was prescribed because the doctor said it would help lower the inflammation in my colon and stop the bleeding. Immediately I noticed changes in my body. I was starting to gain a lot of weight, I was constantly hungry and pimples started forming on my face for the first time in my life. However, none of this bothered me because the blood had stopped and I wasn’t going to the bathroom 10-15 times a day, it was down to 2 maybe 3 times a day and I was in control of my bowel movements. According to the prescribed medication instructions, I was to lower the dosage of the Prednisone but every time I had lowered the dosage to 5 MG a day, I would start bleeding and also lose control of my bowel movements. Doctor then prescribed me Mercaptopurine (6MP), which is a replacement drug for prednisone. For the next 6-8 months I would increase the dosage of prednisone and then lower it. When I was on a high dose, I had no problems with my stomach, but when the dosage was lowered, all my troubles came back. Pooping in my pants constantly, bleeding and not being able to leave the house because I was simply afraid. Getting sick of this pattern, I asked the doctor what I could do to help get this problem under control, he replied by saying that I need to get on a higher dose of medication because none of this is working. He recommended I start testing for TB and get on Remicade or Humera. After doing research on these medications, I found out that the side effects for these medications are severe and can lead to death. My doctor told me frankly, I can either choose to live for today by taking all these medication or live life the way I am today and live for tomorrow. Meaning, be in a living hell but live till the age of 70-80 or get on these high dosage of medications and have a life today but be dead by the age of 50 because of the side effects. I didn’t want either of those options, which is why I started doing a ton of research, consulted many doctors, read books and even asked other patients with colitis how they live their life. The answer from all the patients in remission was the same, diet. I then asked my life-coach, Aditya Bala, to help me get my weight under control. He recommended I get on a juicing diet, detox my body and then stay on a low fiber, vegan, vegetarian and gluten free diet. I lost 25 pounds in 15 days of juicing and have lost a total of 40 pounds since I started dieting. My stomach has never felt better. I thought my life was over when I got this problem because I wasn’t able to go out with friends without worrying about pooping in my pants just on the drive there. But since the diet, I can do the simplest things like go to the grocery store or even to the gym! Don’t get me wrong, my problem isn’t gone, I have still pooped my pants since getting on this diet but it’s rare. I would like take this time to thank Adithya Bala, Tulsi Kuber, Amreen Gill, Ektaa Prasher, Rana Rai, Hershil Parekh, Ankush Sharma and most importantly Udi Bakshi for helping me though all this. I would not be here if it wasn’t for you guys! Dieting has changed my life, however, this is just a temporary solution; I still have ulcerative colitis. One of my family friends recommended I try Ayurvedic medication and go to India. Sunil Garg told me told me about this place in Coimbatore where he went for his knee and diabetes problems; he came back a lot healthier with minimal effects from traveling. I wanted to give this a shot, especially because I have the time in my life to make the journey and because it doesn’t hurt to try. If this fixes me, then I will recommend everyone who has my problem to come to India and try it. Honestly, I have been here for 5 days and I am already starting to feel a lot better. I can’t wait to complete the 30 day treatment and return back to Phoenix and start my life all over again!
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 04:51:42 +0000

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