*Background: *Jeremy Browne, a Liberal Democrat and Home Office - TopicsExpress


*Background: *Jeremy Browne, a Liberal Democrat and Home Office Minister, said there needs to be a national debate about whether the state should step in to protect young women from having the veil “imposed” on them. Mr Browne said he is “instinctively uneasy” about banning behaviour, but suggested the measure may still be necessary to ensure freedom of choice for girls in Muslim communities. The Home Office minister is the first senior Liberal Democrat to raise such deep concerns about Islamic dress in public places. A growing number of Conservative MPs also want the Government to consider a ban. Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime Minister, has suggested he may support banning the veil in classrooms, but downplayed the chances of wider restrictions. "This debate makes the assumption that the veil is an oppressive and submissive mode of dress and such debates have in some countries acted a pre-cursor to wider discussions on a headscarf ban. " * Request: *Please write letters to the editors of the below newspaper adding balance to this subject and calling for freedom of dress. Letters should be 150 - 250 words. Alternatively, post comments on the article page. Please avoid engaging in lengthy debates in comments sections and blogs. * * * * *Newspaper 1: *The Daily Telegraph *URL:* telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/10311469/Jeremy-Browne-Ban-Muslim-women-from-wearing-veils-in-schools-and-public-places.html *Send Letters to:* [email protected] "* Please include name, address, and telephone number (they will not publish otherwise). " *Newspaper 2:* The Guardian *URL:* theguardian/commentisfree/2013/sep/16/spare-us-national-debate-veils * Send Letters to:* letters@theguardian "* Please include a full postal address, a reference to the article and a daytime telephone number (they will not publish otherwise)." *Also write to your MP so that your voice is heard in Parliament!* Follow this link, to find your MP by entering your postcode. writetothem/ Your MP will be listed under “Local Member of Parliament”. You can click on their name and go onto enter your details and submit your letter online direct to your MP.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 23:04:56 +0000

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