Backsliders Welcomed Back [Friday, August 16, 2013] “I am the - TopicsExpress


Backsliders Welcomed Back [Friday, August 16, 2013] “I am the God who welcomes every backslider who repents. My Spirit is whispering now to the backslider. For I accept them freely and will heal them with open arms, says the Lord. So call for the backslider to come back to Me this day” Prophetic Scripture: I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him (Hosea 14:4). When God is speaking about backsliders, He isn’t talking about the world. He is talking about Christians who got off track or fell into sin. When Israel backslid, God welcomed them back and loved them freely. He offered a clean slate and a do-over. When backsliders repent, God will heal them, and the junk that came upon their life during their season of backsliding, God will restore. He won’t hold anything over them. Just like the father of the prodigal son did by giving his son the fatted calf, God will abundantly give the returning backslider all the blessings available from His hand. He will not withhold healing, deliverance, material provision, love, acceptance, or peace. If you have any areas for which you feel backslidden, go to God and repent. Then know that He loves you freely and welcomes you with open arms. If you know someone who is in a backslidden condition, pray for them and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His love to them afresh. In our churches, we need to show love and acceptance when the backsliders return and let them know that God will fully restore them. Our loving God is welcoming the backslider back into His arms today! Prayer: Father, I pray for backsliders today. I call out the names of ___________. Reveal Your love to them in a fresh way today and let them know that You are present to heal and deliver them and that You love them freely. Forgive all areas of backsliding in my own heart as well. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 03:41:36 +0000

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