Bacon Bits: (from The One Year Bible, NKJV, March 22) 1. God - TopicsExpress


Bacon Bits: (from The One Year Bible, NKJV, March 22) 1. God gave Israel a LOT of land, which they did not finish acquiring. God also told them to COMPLETELY drive out the current inhabitants, which they did not finish doing. God only limits us from harming ourselves in some way, but we definitely limit ourselves, and we do it most of the time. Numbers 33:50-34:12 2. Cities of Refuge! Oh how I love this for so many reasons. Mainly, it shows me just how well our Father understands us. We do murder, and from very VERY early on, this has been a capital offense in His eyes. But He also understands that every once in a while (far too often actually), we are just kinda derpy and accidentally end the lives of one another. While I dont think its the heart of God to take revenge (vengeance is Mine, I will repay...), He didnt make it judicially illegal for family members to sort-of kill the person back. Instead, He set up cities where you could seek asylum until your case could be heard. This way, if you accidentally bumped into Ricky your coworker and he fell off the cliff where you guys were working, you could run to a safe place and plea your case to the courts there and they could allow you to live in the city there, protected from Rickys brother Jason who no doubt would have it out for you now. Also, sometimes I love the world too much and I make too many compromises, and before I know it, its trying to eat me alive. I can always run back to Jesus, my Refuge, and there in Him, nothing else in creation can have its way with me. Numbers 35:6-34 3. Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean. This man was referring to his leprosy, but I often pray these exact words when I find myself way too deep in [insert sin here]. Its very heart-felt, and like the way Jesus responds to the man here, I cant imagine Him not saying, I am willing; be cleansed. And He never has responded differently. His love for this terrible sinner is so baffling. I burst into tears every time I think about it and try to put it into words. Who am I, that He would even care to glance in my direction. I love You so much, Jesus, my King. What else can I say? What can I possibly offer You in return? I am Yours; a terrible trade that Im so very very grateful You are willing to make. Have Your way in me. Please! 5:12-13 4. Ok, so some dudes bring a paralyzed man to Jesus, and immediately Jesus says man, your sins are forgiven you. Some nearby smarty-pants religious dudes are like, say whaaaaat? Who can forgive sins but God? This illustrates their doubt, but they were a lot more correct than they realized. It seems like they always think the thought through 95%. Who can forgive sins but God? No one...unless Jesus is God... so close pharisees, so close. Jesus responds with basically saying, whats harder? To forgive sins or to make this guy walk? Then he turns to the crippled guy and is like hit the road, Jack. and Jack grabs his things and WALKS. OUT. Jesus 1, smarty-pants 0. Luke 5:18-26 5. We know that Psalms were written before Jesus scheduled time here (I say scheduled, because there were quite a few times He showed up before He was born into this world), but David shows surprising insight to the Savior in Psalm 65. ...As for our transgressions, You will provide atonement for them... Also Jesus says that Hes the Shepherd and He calls His sheep by name...He chooses us. Here in this same Psalm, David foreshadows even this idea: ...Blessed is the man You choose, and cause to approach You, that he may dwell in Your courts... Psalm 65 Well, this started out being a short one... so much for that! I close with I am loved. Loved like no human could ever love me. I didnt deserve it. I cant earn it. Theres no way to give back equally. Theres no way to describe it. There simply arent words to do it justice in any language on earth...
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 08:57:38 +0000

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