Bad news, things just went haywire in the NRA-fueled recall of two - TopicsExpress


Bad news, things just went haywire in the NRA-fueled recall of two Colorado Democrats. A Denver judge ruled Monday that the state’s new mail-in ballot law doesn’t apply to recall elections, throwing a huge wrench in Democrats’ get out the vote (GOTV) efforts just weeks before the election. Please chip in $3 each to John Morse and Angela Giron, the two Democrats targeted by the NRA, to help get out the vote. Without mail-in ballots, voters will need to go traditional voting booths to cast their votes in the recall election—potentially crushing voter turnout. Further complicating matters, some counties have already printed and mailed ballots in compliance with the mail-in ballot law that the court says no longer applies. Democrats Angela Giron and John Morse were already coming under heavy fire from NRA and Koch brothers-funded Americans for Prosperity for their votes on common sense gun laws, health care, and more. Now, their campaigns have to run all-new GOTV plans for an election just 27 days away. Help GOTV: Chip in $3 to each of the two Democrats targeted in the recalls. Keep fighting, Michael Langenmayr Campaign Director, Daily Kos P.S. Please help keep Daily Kos strong by chipping in $3.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 18:12:58 +0000

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