Badero-Olusola Maiyegun-General Pupsy KofoWrote........ The - TopicsExpress


Badero-Olusola Maiyegun-General Pupsy KofoWrote........ The real people supporting APC! Whether u like it or not. Amosun wil rule til 1919. U pepple criticising ibikunle u are enemy of progress - A Die Hard supporter of Governor Amosun of Ogun state on Facebook. Amosun will rule till 1919.??? In 2014? As funny as that quote sounds, its not funny. These are the type of people supporting Amosun to return to power after the magnitude of destruction, his government has done to the psyche of Ogun People. Stark illiterates!!! They cant read anything on the social media. And the very few that can, cant comprehend. Once they see the author of a post and he or she is identified as an enemy (to their illiterate governor), theyll start cursing immediately. But if the author is a friend, they dont need to read what he wrote, theyll copy it, plus like comment share signs underneath and start posting on every mushroom group pages on Facebook, with their general bambiyala slogan, SIA Leekansi . Mind you, these are the original Void voters. All they look for on a ballot paper is logo. Sometimes they would have to go to the polling booth with a party poster, in order not to forget what their party look like. They cant read or write. Once the logo of the parties looked strange to them on the paper, theyll just thumbprint two boxes. With full satisfaction on their faces, after voting for their party (APC) and one other lucky party (TCP) on the same ballot, theyll confide in their fellow lousy illiterate supporter to do the same. Without waiting for the final count at their polling booths, theyll jump on Facebook and start announcing fictitious results. Because they are illiterates who can neither read nor write, their political leaders would rely on those fictitious results, keep the original results and then ask the already charged illiterates to move to the streets and start killing themselves - Population control. After these blinded illiterates became tired of killing each other, their leaders would call for truce with the Party that won. Share the positions together through their proxies, and everything will return to normal. Until another ritual - election. Who lost at the end? These illiterates! Typical Amosun Supporters Leg Is Like This One They Dont Have Work Just Shouting La Kan Sii
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:24:00 +0000

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