Baggage Check! ‘The Real’ Ladies Let It Go. This video is - TopicsExpress


Baggage Check! ‘The Real’ Ladies Let It Go. This video is about insecurities. Honestly, I can identity with a all of the ladies on the panel. I also there was sone insecurities that wasnt mention that I carried for years. I just recently let them go. 1) Me and sister was alway compared inappropriately. Either is was the fat or thick sister. Me I was just skinny sister. So, high school was not a great experience for me. Then I finally I picked up the thick weight and truly was uncomfortable in my own skin until I gave birth to my son. It created a bad relationship between me and sister. She believed I allow people to say those things about her & I felt like she never said nothing. 2) I dated guys that always complained about my time. I was too busy for them. At the tender age of 23 to most people I was successful. I felt like I will get married or I will have this guy because Im China. I went to school, graduated, my own apartment, car & now Im a mother. However, my life changed. So, I wasnt making the money anymore, struggle to search for a job, etc I didnt feel successful. Everyone, who had there hand out looked down on me. I remember dating this guy on and off for years. He would date women basic of there salaries, but when it didnt go right he was back knocking on my down. I realized that I needed to figure out who China is, realize its a lot a people that want to fall and will not help you up. Include one you lay next too occasionally. 3) Never had a problem with my wardrobe. I just didnt want clothes with labels on them. That didnt mean could dress. Elementary School I was judged on wardrobe because my mom was single parent and we lived in the projects. Any one that know my mama she always dressed nice, neat, cute. We honestly dressed better then kids at school. People said it was drug money, etc. or we are on food stamps that why mama can afford it. The other girls in school would group me in a category. High school same thing. Honestly, hinder me and hid my fashion gift verbally from others. I always could coordinate colors, styles and etc. When Style Republik emerged, I girl at my class reunion gave me a compliment and said you never dress like that. You dress alight. I was just happy that I dont worry about the remarks. 5) Bad relationships & not putting me first. I was looking for love from a guy because I didnt have my Dad. Regardless, of my mom & dad, activity choice I just wanted my Dad. To tell me he love, boys, tell me his care. My first real relationship we was so damn serious it was not funny. It explain so much I gotten older. I just my dad, however our relationship is great. 6) graduated summer school in the 8th grade. I hurt me because I worked hard & I could not help that we had 3-4 math teacher since 6th grade. It seam like I was blamed because my Grannie let me go outside. I was embarrassed. I never told a soul about that. I hated when my brought it, instead just saying that China is graduating. It carried with me to high school graduation. It put pressure on me that I had to excel higher then my peers and go graduate school. To be honest I didnt even know what graduate school was. It made me had to prove myself. Well, now Im graduating next with my degree that Im proud to talk about it, me & dad relationship is great, Im beginning to open up to guy that is not judgemental, Im am applying to graduate school all over again and nervous and excited, God bless me with a beauty brain, body and I know how to use it correctly, my son he taught me how to love & trust.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 22:23:09 +0000

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