Bahraich is in the news today for a different reason but how many - TopicsExpress


Bahraich is in the news today for a different reason but how many of you know that Bahraich was the scene of a battle of epic proportions almost a 1000 years ago? A battle that is completly ignored by history text-books, a battle that finds no mention in media or the official narrative of Indian history, a battle that stalled the marauding Islamic hordes from Afghanistan and Iran for over a century... Here is the backdrop to this remarkable tale from the annals of history, courtesy a blog post by Kaal-Chiron (link below)... The nephew of Mahmood Gazni, known as Masud Gazni, invaded India with army of more than 100,000 men in may 1031 AD. This time, the army was not a raiding party like that of Mahmood who came with intention of raiding, looting and retreating with the loot to Afghanistan. They were backed by the imperial army Persian empire and came here with the intention of permanent conquest and Islamization of India. King Anandpal Shahi tried to check this Gazni advance towards heartland of India. He was helped by king of Sialkot, Rai Arjun. But, this alliance was overwhelmed by superiority of numbers of Pathan army. After defeating Anandpal Shahi and Rai Arjun, Masood advanced towards towards Malwa and Gujarat. King Mahipal Tomara tried to check their advance here but was defeated too. After victories across North Indian plains, Masood Gazni settled at Bahraich near Lucknow. He stayed here up to mid 1033. Meanwhile, 17 Rajput Kings of north India forged an alliance. This is biggest confederation that have ever existed in India. The head of this confederation was Raja Sukhdev, a Gurjara-Rajput King. It would be interesting to know how the alliance was forged and how was the game of chess played before the final showdown on 14th June. However, I have not come across any books which deals with this part of History in detail. In June 1033, as per Hindu traditions, Masood Gazni was intimated by Rajput confederation that the land belonged to Rajputs and Hindus and Masood should evacuate these lands. Masood replied that all land belongs to Khuda and hence he would not retreat. On 13th June, Morning, Rajput army of about 120,000 descended on Gazni camp of Bahraich. Masoods army was completely besieged and encircled. The battle continued for hours. In the end, each and every man in Masoods camp was killed. No POWs were taken, no mercy was shown on the Afghan army. The location of this battle to be precise was near Chittaura Jheel, a lake about 8 KM away from modern Bahraich on Bahraich-Gond Road. The battle ended on 14th June with Victory of Raja Sukhdev and his Rajput alliance. The invasion was completely crushed and such resounding was this victory that none of the king from Northwest dared to invade India for 160 years.. This is one of the golden pages of Indian History. India is indebted to series of Rajput Kings along the western border of India and in Central India. They were extremely instrumental in keeping Arab invaders at bay for 3 centuries. This was the time when Arabs were at their zenith. The Khilafat extended from Western Sindh to Spain.. However, they could not defeat Rajputs and enter Indian heartlands. Rajputs were also instrumental in initial defeat of Muslim invaders from Northwest. The Battle of Bahraich was the peak point of Rajput valor. Their resistance waned with time over next 5 centuries. Rana Pratap was perhaps last famous Rajput general to fight invaders. Sadly the only memory of the battle in Bahraich is the tomb of Masood Gazni while almost no one remembers Raja Sukhdev who led the victorius confederacy of 17 kings and princes.. Make sure you do - but before that, head over to this link to read about this glorious chapter in the history of indigenous resistance.. And pl do share...
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 18:48:11 +0000

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