Bailey’s Story (Through mommy’s eyes) I was in labor for many - TopicsExpress


Bailey’s Story (Through mommy’s eyes) I was in labor for many hours that day and did not even know it. I made a couple calls to the doctor’s office and they decided they wanted me to head up to the hospital to be examined. I was convinced it was not time, I fought the idea the whole way to the hospital! I ended up very wrong, less than 12 hours later I gave birth to the most amazing little lady who was more precious than my dreams could have ever dreamed. I did not know it but she will change my world in more ways than just being a precious she would soon be the single reason I would learn so many emotions I had never encountered. About 12:15 am I finally convinced a nurse that I needed to push! The nurse proceeded to escort me from the hot tub back to my room and into my bed. Within the next few minutes the doctor joined us and I was pushing by 12:30am. I pushed for a little more than a half an hour and then it happened… The doctor looked up and made eye contact with me and the words out of his mouth “oh, shit” gave me the most awful feeling my heart would EVER feel! I had no idea but those two words would haunt my dreams for years. Bailey’s father did not want to leave my side as it took almost twice the amount of time to sew me up as it only took me 45 minutes to push (the nurse informed me most women on their first birth push on average 3 hours!). As I lie there being tended to there were so many nurses in and out of the room looking at Bailey giving me such looks of pity and no one would tell me what was wrong with Bailey or why people kept looking at her. At some point well after 2am July 27th 2007 I finally, finally, got to hold my 9lbs 15.8 oz brand new baby girl. As Bailey is being handed to me the doctor proceeds to explain an ignorant explanation of what had gone wrong with delivery. He told me that her arm got stuck behind my pubic bone causing Bailey’s arm to be injured (obviously he neglected to explain that in order for this injury to occur he had to have place 65 or more pounds of pressure to her head pulling at it in order for the injury to have occurred at all). Over the next few days Bailey was x-rayed and stared at; we even both got a ticket to stay an extra night for observation. Our extra night served two purposes one being her arm the second because Bailey was having trouble getting her breathing to be calm and regular. Who wouldn’t be upset with a large ugly monster hurting their arm and being the same ugly human who wouldn’t let them spend the first most important moments of their life with their mommy, let’s not even revisit her very first words she heard were “oh, shit”! I finally had a doctor come and explain to me her injury was OBPI. They told me about the nerves and confirmed she was stuck behind my pubic bone… THEN… Then they sent us home. I had no idea the true extent of her injury, no special care instructions, no physical therapy, NOTHING! Finally 3 weeks later we meet some of the most amazing doctors I have ever been so lucky to meet! Our first specialist appointment consisted of 3 specialists and an intern. It was the longest and most emotional 10 minutes of what was most likely an hour long appointment, little did I know it was only the start of a lifelong heartbreaking and excruciating journey. Well, the doctors proceed to convince me I need to make a future appointment where they would be able to conduct a test where they will stick probes into her arm and will be able to determine if in fact her nerves will be able to ever conduct information (EMG is what they call the test). My baby was hurt from birth who knows how many times I might have hurt her trying to change her onsie, rub lotion on her and or whatever else, and now you want to stick her up with probes! Well, they all decided that maybe they wouldn’t wait, the machine was not in use so they decided right then and right there was the time and place. I of course (being nervous about needles to begin with)chose not to enter the testing room I was already so upset I didn’t want to make anything harder or worse for Bailey so her father and my mother went into the room with her. I stayed in the appointment office and cried and cried as I listened to the most indescribably heart breaking blood curdling screams and cries taking up the second most awful 5 minutes of my life. GOOD NEWS! Bailey’s nerves are not torn (avulsed)! Her nerves were stretched and would most likely be capable of regenerating/ repairing to some degree; the doctors were not able to project anything certain just that some progress would happen. The arm would never reach 100% but anything more than the nothing she has this far would be great! The specialist then proceed to explain what my next steps would be in what could most likely be her life long journey with OBPI including physical therapy and specialist appointments and along the way some occupational therapy as well. Sometime in early November of 2007 (Bailey would have been 3 months old) Bailey moved her arm! I am still able to replay this moment in my mind over and over as if it had happened this morning! My emotions were quick and all over the place! I would watch her reach up and touch a hanging toy on her gym and I smiled, then proceeded to cry as I fumbled around to try and find my camera to record the moment and somewhere in the mix of beautifully happy, disappointment there was a sense of relief and that is only the best way I can put the moment into words because honestly words can never truly depict that exact rush of feelings. Over the next few years we became accustomed to the injury and much more educated, it was the doctor who messed up hence the “oh, shit” during delivery I no longer wanted to blame myself! We also got into the routine of physical therapy twice a week, specialist appointments and eventually in home physical and occupational therapy through our school district. It was truly amazing to watch her grow and conquer milestones and overcome so many obstacles! Of course she was more of a scooter and crawling is not easy when you opt to not use an arm. A few months later she crawled, yea, her arm was now weight bearing just one of many monumental milestones that would prove just exactly what sort of little lady she would be! Eventually we even taped her arm for a couple reasons to hold her shoulder blade (scapula) in place and to help correct her hand being turned inward (supination). We eventually lost our in home physical and occupational therapy we so hoped they would help Bailey reach 100% but they said she no longer qualified due to her tremendous improvements. We started trips to our favorite therapist at the hospital twice a week but glad to do so since it means she is still getting better! It started a whole other chapter in Bailey’s journey to begin trips to the hospital again. Twice a week is what we have wanted but as a family we have all had to face some other challenges not much in our control between loss of family members, financial stability and even transportation issues. Bailey and I work on her therapy a little every day, some day’s lots and lots; I take what I can when I can! Even with informal mommy therapy, I call it, Bailey still amazes me with progress all of the time! We have missed our physical therapist and are anxious for this chapter so that we can witness more improvements and conquer the next milestone in Bailey’s journey! I am now active in several support groups online. We are even in the early stages in assembling a fundraiser to raise money for transportation to and from UBPN (United Brachial Plexus Network) camp in Potosi, Missouri September 2014. The only way to minimize OBPI is awareness both before birth by parents and doctors but also doctors and parents of those whom are affected anyway. People often ask me what my most important tips I would want to share with the world about this injury and I personally have two that hold so strong to my heart. The first being that even though a few of the OBPI’s heal completely within a few months most injuries have lifelong effects on these innocent babies, the sooner you begin physical therapy and get the journey started the better chance your babies arm will have. The second is that this injury IS preventable, YES, but it is your doctors fault not yours! Studies show that giving birth on your back is the most unnatural way for a human to give birth but we all do it many women every day because the doctor tells us to hop up. My current mission is to help spread awareness to everyone possible. I do my best to cherish every step of Bailey’s journey and to help Bailey realize how lucky she is and how important her journey is. Bailey’s story is always continuing and more chapters I’m sure will be added as her journey continues……
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 13:32:28 +0000

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