Baisakhi Mela Baisakhi Mela or Baisakhi Fair is one of the most - TopicsExpress


Baisakhi Mela Baisakhi Mela or Baisakhi Fair is one of the most colourful aspects of Baisakhi celebrations in the state of Punjab. One can find vivid and vibrant colours of life in rural Punjab in such fairs. Happy with the harvest and the ensuing prosperity, men and women dress themselves in their fanciest clothes and participate in the Baisakhi fair with joy and gusto. Various activities have been incorporated in Baisakhi fairs to give people a chance to let their hair loose and enjoy the spirit of life and inner freedom. Attractions of Baisakhi Mela Baisakhi Fairs are extremely popular amongst the people of Punjab. People come with their family and friends to participate in fairs from far off places. Most fascinating features of Baisakhi Mela are bhangra and gidda performances. Other activities that enthrall people are races, wrestling bouts, singing and acrobatics. Performance of folk instruments, such as vanjli and algoza is also quite popular. More colours are added to Baisakhi Fairs by the numerous stalls selling bangles, toys, local handicrafts and other trinkets of domestic use. Food stalls are also a major crowd-puller in a Baisakhi Mela. Baisakhi Fairs is marked of Talwandi Sabo. Here, Guru Gobind Singh stayed for nine months and completed the recompilation of the Guru Granth Sahib. Baisakhi Fairs around the World Popularity of colorful Baisakhi Fairs is not restricted to villages of Punjab, Baisakhi melas are equally popular in big cities and towns in Punjab and also in other cities of India where there is a significant Sikh population. Huge Sikhs diaspora in countries around the world has made Baisakhi Melas globally popular. Thanks to a significant Sikh population in UK, Vaisakhi Fairs are organized with gusto at Trafalgar Square in London. High level of energy and enthusiasm in Baisakhi fairs pulls towards itself people of other communities and religions. Baisakhi celebrations of Toronto, New York and New Jersey are quite popular. Presence of popular Indian cine stars and singers add more excitement to Baisakhi Fairs organized in foreign countries. Energetic Bhangra and Gidda performance and the very tasteful Punjabi cuisine have helped Baisakhi make its mark in the international scene. A book Fair A book fair is a place where books of various kinds are brought for sale and display. It is a very popular fair. In fact, a book fair is considered to be an occasion of great festivity to the book-lovers. It is usually held in the winter season on an open place in most of the major cities of the country. The main thing about a book fair is not sale but display of books on different subjects. It is organized by various institutions on various occasions, namely, Martyrs Day, Victory Day, Independence Day etc. The leading publishers of the country set up stalls of their recent publications as well as old ones. Various kinds of novels, poetical works and science fictions are mainly available in a book fair. A festive look prevails all around. The renowned artists, poets’ intellectuals gather there and take part in the seminars and cultural programmes. Last year, I paid a visit to the Ekushey Boimela, the most popular book fair held in the premises of bangle academy. My personal impression about a book fair is that it can play an important role in developing the habit of reading books among the people. It is a device to spread culture, education and knowledge. It changes our outlook on life and widens our domain of learning. Deforestation A large area of land abounding with trees, bushes etc. are called forest. And deforestation means cutting down trees in large numbers. Trees are useful to us in various ways. They provide us with wood, food and other products, they give us shade and they help to prevent droughty and floods. But the third of these services of trees is the most important. To draw quick profit from trees, men cut them down in large numbers. Trees are destroyed mostly for being used as fire wood. This destruction disturbs our ecological balance. It leads to soil erosion and deprives us of fruit and timber and causes economic loss. So, we have to realize the bad effects of deforestation. In fact, if deforestation goes on our country will be changed into a desert. So, we have to educate our common people and to persuade them to abstain from cutting down trees. We should create awareness among the general people about the evils of destroying forests and motivate them to plant more and more trees. Otherwise the forests of our country will slowly disappear and we will be in great miseries. So, I think every man and woman should pant at least a tree every year. Mobile Phone or Cell Phone Mobile phone is a telephone system that works without any wire. Mobile phone is one of the wonderful wonders of science. It has added a new dimension to our life and to communication system. It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place. Through mobile phone, we can send messages to distant places, play games and sports, know about time. Solve the work of calculation, be aware of different kinds of news and view. At present the popularity of the mobile phone is increasing. Many companies are also being set up for selling mobile phone. The price of mobile phones also decreasing in comparison with the past. People are being encouraged to buy a mobile-phone set a t a cheaper rate. However with the touch of science and technology, the whole world seems to be a global village, in a very single moment, we can communicate with the people living in a very distant place. With all its advantages, the mobile phone has still some drawbacks in disguise. Though the price of it is decreasing, per minute bill is not decreasing. So everybody cannot possess it. Scientists have recently discovered that mobile phone can cause cancer to the users. Besides, it has become a fashion with the young people. Last but not the least, terrorists are using it to spread out terrorism all around the world. But in spite of all these disadvantages, it can be finalized here that the necessity of a mobile phone in exchanging messages, cannot be denied in the true sense of the term in our practical life. MY FAVORITE TV PROGRAMME My favorite TV programme is Drishtikon. There are many places of historical interest in Bangladesh and all over the world. It is not possible for a man to go to those places in person and see with his own eyes. A person may have much money but time, health and other circumstances may not permit him to go and see the places. But he can see and enjoy .the places on the TV screen at a little cost. He need not spend much money and take much labour to visit those pla’ces. Drishtikon programme performs this very thing and serves our purpose of seeing the places of historical interest. I see all these places where I have not been. I come to know about those places and their importance. It teaches us many things. In a word it is very much instructive, informative and interesting. My Favorite Person (My Mom ) One of my favorite persons in this world is my mom. She is a nice person. Like other mothers, she has a nice personality. She is friendly to her children, so we are not afraid to tell our problems to her. She often gives us a wise solution to solve our problems. She never hides us anything. She tells us everything that she knows. However, what I like from her most is that she is patient. She is hardly ever angry to her children especially me, but when we do something wrong, she punishes us with her own way like cutting our pocket money. She is also strong because most of the time she does the house chores by herself. I love her because she is independent and strong. She is a mom and also a teacher for her children. Load Shedding Load shedding means the discontinuity of supply of electricity for short or long time. Nowadays it has become a part of our daily life. There are many reasons for load shedding. The insufficient production of electricity is the main reason of it. Misuse and illegal connection of electricity are the other reasons of it. It occurs mostly at night because the demand of electricity is more than in the daytime. The bad effects of load shedding are beyond description. It creates problem in the socio-economic development of the country. Mills and factories, shops, hospitals etc. become paralyzed due to load shedding. The sufferings of the students know no bounds. They sit in the darkness closing their books during the load shedding. They suffer a lot of if it occurs in the time of their examination. The patients also suffer terribly because operation stops in hospitals for load shedding. Load shedding at night also encourages the thieves. However, this problem should be solved at any cost. The concerned authority must take necessary steps to stop it. More power stations should be established. Illegal connection and system loss should also be stopped. After all, there is no alternative to be conscious about the misuse of electricity. Our School Library/ A school library A library is a store house of knowledge. A library satisfies our eternal desire for knowledge of the unknown and the unseen. A library plays an important role in the realm of knowledge. A library is a part and parcel of a school. No school is complete without a library. Our school has a big library. It is housed in a separate two storyed building. The library has a good collection. There are many almirahs. The books are arranged in different shelves according to subjects. The reading room and the office room of the librarian are separate. The librarian has some assistants. There is a big reading room. The reading room is well furnished. When we take the help of a catalogue, the assistants at once find the book and help us. We are issued library cards. We can borrow books from the library. We are to return the borrowed books after two weeks. In the reading room we can read as many books as we like. Silence is must here. Nobody is allowed to make noise. We are proud of our school library. **Paragraph** Winter Morning A winter morning is misty and cold. There is fog everywhere. Sometimes sun is not seen because fog is very dense. Everything looked hazy. Nothing is seen clearly and people especially poor people suffer a lot. The road accident is high in winter morning because the road is not clearly seen for dense fog. The villagers gather straw and make fires to warm themselves. And people bask in the sun. In winter morning people like to eat various kinds of pitha. Children get up late. And morning school is very difficult for them. But the farmer and other poor people get up early in the morning and go to there work. They worked all day long. In winter they suffer a lot because they do not have good dress to save themselves from biting cold. They do not enjoy that morning. So it is very difficult for them. In cities, people get up late and they remain busy in taking breakfast quickly. For this reason they are not enjoy the scenery of a winter morning. When the fog gradually disappears everyone go to their work. A winter morning is very enjoyable to me. A Street Hawker A man who sells various things by moving from door to door is a street hawker. He is the most common figure in the cities and towns. He carries his tools on head sometimes in hand and sometimes in bag. His life is full of sadness. He worked all day long but he earns not much more. He is very poor. He worked very hard. He brigs toys, sweets and many things for children. Generally his customers are children and women. He speaks differently to attract the attention of customers. He knows his business very well. He also knows when he comes out to sell his things. When housemaster is at home, he never comes. He sells his things at cheaper rate. Street Hawker is known not only in village but also all over the country. His life is very miserable. He gets up early in the morning and starts his work quickly. He returns at home lately. After working hard, he does not earn a lot. But with his small income he tries to become always be happy. A street hawker is a very popular character in the society. So we should show him proper respect. . A School Magazine A school magazine is a magazine that contains the writing of the teachers and the students of a school. It is published every year. Most of the well known schools publish this magazine. It contains poem, jokes, articles and many short stories which are written by teachers and students. The magazine committee selects stories, articles, poems and many other things for printing and then they publish it. It is very difficult task for them. They work hard to publish a magazine. A school magazine is very important thing. It helps us to find out talents thus helps them to be a great writer. A student feels very happy and proud when he finds his writing in a magazine. And students learn may things from a school magazine, Moreover it is an important part of a school. Traffic Jam Traffic jam is a long line of motors, vehicles that can not move because there is so much traffic in the road. Traffic jam is common affair in towns and big cities. It is a big problem in Bangladesh. Now a day traffic jam is so heavy and it kills our valuable time. In modern life, it’s so big and large problem in our country. It occurs when drivers are not willing to obey the traffic rules. The causes of traffic jam are many. The main cause of traffic jam is overtaking tendency and traffic policy is also insufficient. Most of our roads are narrower than our demand. For these reasons, traffic jam is getting acute day by day. At office time traffic jam is unthinkable. It blocks roads half a kilometre or more. It is very harmful for us. At the time of traffic jam I feel so bad because our time is wasted. Taking some necessary steps we can remove traffic jam easily. Traffic rules should be enforced strictly. Sufficient traffic police should be posted. And unlicensed vehicles should be removed. Spacious road according to demand should be constructed. After doing all this things we can hope a traffic jam free country and save our valuable time. Load Shedding Load shedding means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. Load shedding is caused for different causes. It occurs when production of electricity is less than the demand. It also causes because of unplanned distribution, system loss and illegal connection. Houses, mills, factories, shops, hospitals, offices all fall a victim to it. Load shedding creates many problems for us. And it disturbs the study of the students. Load shedding affects the economy of our country. In refrigerator food gets rotten. It creates many problems which disturb our daily life very badly. The daily life becomes painful. For all the reasons, we should take some steps to stop load shedding. When the production is more than the demand this problem can be solved. Illegal connection should also be stopped. Moreover, load shedding is getting one of the biggest problems in our country. A Book Fair I Visited A book fair is a fair where books are displayed and sold. Now a day it has become very popular. I also visited the Ekushey Boi Mela this year. This fair is looked very nice. I am pleased and happy to visit this fair. Every year the book fair is held on the occasion of 21st February. This fair reminds us the sacrifice of the martyrs for our mother language. In the book fair I found that hundreds of pavilions are set up. And many kinds of books were displayed like drama, novel, children’s books, poem, fictions etc. I also bought many books which is very good. I went there with some of my friends. They also bought some books. We enjoyed the cultural programmes. Every age of people and every class of people come there. In the evening many writers, poets came to visit the fair. To enrich our knowledge we should read books more and more because only books can help us in every step of our lives. And it is proved that books are our best friend ever. Moreover, we enjoy this fair very much. A Bus Stand A bus stand is a place where buses are stopped and started from. This place is very crowdy. When buses stop, the people gather a lot. Passengers wait here for bus. In bus stands there are counters tickets. People stand in a line for buying tickets. It is a very busy place. One bus comes and another bus starts for. There are sheds for the passengers. In this sheds people wait for bus. The passengers have no time to talk with others when bus comes and stands for. Everybody both conductors and passengers become busy in procuring seat. In office time, this place becomes very crowdy. At this time bus is overloaded. Sometimes passengers suffer a lot. Many people cannot get into the bus. This place is always noisy. It is also a business place. There are tea stalls, small shops. Hawkers sell betel leaf and cigarette. Newspapers, magazines and periodicals are also sold here. However, this place is useful for us. Eid Ul Fitr. EID UL FITR festival, is also called feast of breaking the fast. Ramadhan is the holy month of Muslims. Allah (The God) revealed the Holi Quran to Prophet Mohammad during this month. Once the crescent moon is sighted, the Ramadhan month comes to an end and on the first day of Islamic lunar month Shawwal , its now the time for celebrations for people of Muslim cultur. In the whole month of holy Ramadhan, Muslims keep fasting and from sunrise to sunset everyday they eats and drink nothing. Muslims believe, after almost 600 years of Prophet Jesus, the God sent Prophet Mohammad into this world to show the right path to human mankind to live in this world and believe in the oneness of God, Pray 5 times, keep fasting, do charity, go on pilgrimage. God makes the whole month of Ramadhan fasting is obligatory. After this He gives a fruitful end in name of festival Eid ul Fitr festival and it also called Ramadhan festival. On this holy occasion people givekjjnk Charity to poor so that poor people also can celebrate the festival and wear new clothes and go for special Eid prayer ceremony near by mosque to thank God by reciting various prayers. After the prayer there is get together at Muslims house for Eid meal, which has special dishes and variety of desserts. After that people go to their relatives and friends place and meet them and greet them Eids happiness or Happy Eid. Eid Ul Adha EID UL ADHA festival, celebrated on the 10th day of last Islamic Lunar month, is also called feast of the Sacrificed. The Eid ul Adha celebrates in the remembrance of Prophet Ibrahims readiness to sacrifice his son Ismail to God as an act of submission to Gods command and his sons acceptance to being sacrificed, before God intervened to provide Prophet Ibrahim with a Sheep to sacrificeu instead. On another occasion God ordered Prophet Ibrahim to leave his wife Hajira and son Ismail alone far away, He again sacrificed his love for his son and He left them far away with a huge amount of food grains but after sometime Mother and son had nothing left and then a infant was crying for thirst and dehydration. Miraculously god started one spring of water from the earth at the feet of Ismail. This water never got stopped from that time and its name is ZAM ZAM water and it is believes to be Holy Water in Muslim culture. Later Prophet Ibrahim instructed by the God to build a Holy building in front of that Holy spring water well. Its name is Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. In the remembrance of Prophet Ibrahims sacrifices, Muslims Celebrates Eil ul Adha. At the time of Eid ul Adha people go to Hajj Pilgrimage, and People give sacrifice of sheeps, cows, camels with the remembrance of the sacrifice given by the lProphet Ibrahim and followed and Obeyed what His God ordered. Muslims believe they obey the same God of Prophet Ibrahim who is very near to the God..
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:45:20 +0000

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