Balance, which is the key to all things in life; Balance. Extremes - TopicsExpress


Balance, which is the key to all things in life; Balance. Extremes in any form are what bring things out of balance. So extreme left, extreme right, or extreme views of any nature are the anathema of a happy and healthy life. Homeostasis is defined as the desired level of health by your body, and this is when all your systems are working in balance with each other. You know having time to think can be scary some times. In my line of work moments of reflection can be scary. I try to escape into study, but the purpose of a good education is to make you think. I try to shut my brain off with pushups from time to time and that can help but today is not one of those days. I started thinking more and more about what I do. I looked at the years I have trailed behind me doing what I can, and what I do well. In all aspects of my life I find a higher purpose in taking care of others. I serve my country; it’s a huge source of pride for me. I take care of those I call family the best I can, and that is a joy to me. I offer care to wounded and sick soldiers, and that brings me satisfaction. Though these acts are selfless in nature I do them because they make me feel better, about myself, the world I live in, and just life in general. I try to balance that selfless and selfish nature in me, letting one feed on the other. When all we really have to do in life is live and die, it’s this balance in the middle that makes it worth living. Trying to maintain that balance can be a chore, but it’s important to me. Without it I do not see much of a point. I do this because I have to. The same reason I do the right thing every chance I get, because if I dont what’s the point. I try to apply this to all aspects of my life. It’s like a board game; I play them by the rules. I will not cheat, unless cheating is expected in the rules. The reason for this is if you dont play a game by the rules you are not playing the game you are playing to your ego. If you need to win so bad that you alter the rule in your favor then it’s not the game thats important anymore, it’s your own sense of self. How can we be so self centered on ourselves that we feel that we are more important than the game? I am important, but not so weak that have to force myself on others and demean them with hollow victory to make me feel more important. Win or lose I can still have fun, and that is where the real win is. That is the balance, I am important to myself, and those I love, but outside of that I am nothing. In that is important that I am the best I can be to ones I love and never give to compromise with myself. Compromise may be the corner stone of diplomacy but I am no diplomat, and this is why I inherently distrust politicians. If you are willing to bend the rules for others, it shows you can and most likely have, bent them for yourself. If you can be morally flexible to achieve a desired result, then to me your morals are not as strong as the steel they should be made of. Metal when bent will rarely take the same shape, and if it does it is never as strong where it bent. This too is true with our own ethics. I understand that this is something that is part of life, but I do not have to play that game. I will not because I know I would not enjoy it, and I do not want to give up the things that are important to me, and what I truly makes me believe I am who I am. So if you make the rules clear, understand I will play by them if I choose to play the game. Also know that if I dont like the rules I will not play the game. This is the choice we all have to make, and you can leave the game once it’s started, it all depends on how flexible your scruples are. The choice is yours. Be the tree in the wind, or the stone in the river. I know which one will last longer. So with this I look heavily and with deep reflection on the events going on around me, and those things I look to bring peace to me. I look deep and hard for the balance. I look hard to find the rules of the game. Trouble is that most people do not like the rules, so they change them to suit them. They change them, so they can feel they won. They like to take things out of balance, so they can have more than most, and get more people to give a hand job to their egos. That is what it is all about after all. I mean you got someone that wants to win so bad that they cheat or change the rules mid game (the game being whatever political or life event you want to talk about) so that events favor them, or at least how they perceive the world sees the reflection of them. So here I am in my life, seeking balance, and removing those that skew that balance. I do this, or I find a counter balance to the extremist, even though sometimes it is healthier just to get rid of them. Some extremes are just too damn distasteful to even be considered for a counter balance. I also let people know that I have rules in life, and once something becomes a rule I do not break that rule. If somebody presents something as a rule to them, I do not break that either, because I am agreeing to play that game with them. The trouble is that most people don’t know their own morality, and they have not reflected on rules for themselves. Now I see these people (agents of chaos) worming into all aspects of life. So I chose to watch them, but I also do not play the game with them. In this I find balance, and in that balance I also find real friends.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 20:26:32 +0000

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