Balika Vadhu 20th July 2013 Written Update Video Update Balika - TopicsExpress


Balika Vadhu 20th July 2013 Written Update Video Update Balika Vadhu 20th July 2013 Video Watch Online 720p *HD* Mahi and Aashima are in a restaurant. Aashima gets surprised seeing amount of food that Mahi ordered. Mahi says, you should always eat, sleep as much as you want. He asks her to start eating. Aashima loves it and thanks him otherwise she would be eating ‘boring’ sandwiches. Mahi says, it is a fashion and my passion to help beautiful ladies. Aashima is impressed. Manager comes and asks them if they would like to participate in lucky draw contest. Mahi agrees and asks Aashima if she believes in luck. Aashima says, yes. Mahi asks what’s the prize. Manager says, two tickets to Kashmir. Mahi tells Aashima, shiv and Anandi went there for honeymoon. He then realizes what he said and doesn’t want to enter the contest now. But Aashima says it’s okay and makes him participate. Ira tells Dadisa that she is not letting her do any work. Sumitra says, Anandi and Sanchi are not letting me do any work, so there is no question for you. Ganga comes and tells Anandi and Sanchi that she will do rest of the work and asks them to rest as they have to travel to Udhaipur soon. Anandi says, how will you do all the work? And if there are 4 hands then it will be done faster. Sanchi interrupts and says, it’s house members’ responsibility to do their house work. Ira tells Anandi to let her know once she is free as they have to leave for Udhaipur. Sanchi says, but how can I go back without seeing Jagdish? Dadisa agrees with Sanchi but tells her, he will come home very late. Sanchi gets sad. Dadisa tells a worker to take out the car and take Sanchi to the hospital. Sanchi smiles and kisses Dadisa’s cheek and says, you’re awesome. Sanchi leaves happily. Ganga doesn’t seem too happy and Anandi notices it. Sanci comes to Jagya with her face covered and talks in a different accent. Jagya asks, so what’s the issue? Sanchi says, I have a weird problem. I stay very nervous, can’t sleep in night, if it comes, then I dream a lot.. now only you can do something. Jagya asks, since when this is happening? Sanchi says, recently it’s happening a lot. Jagya seems to have figured it out it’s Sanchi. He says, there is a solution, but you will have to take little pain. Sanchi says, I have suffered a lot, so little more. Jagya takes out a big injection and asks her to give her hand to him. Sanchi gets scared and jumps and reveals her face. She says, nooooo Jagdish. It’s me. Jagya acts as if he’s surprised and still asks her to give her hand. Sanchi says, no. Jagya laughs and then tells her to relax. Sanchi asks, you knew it was me? Jagya says, your sandal.. village women don’t wear sandals like you. Sanchi says, but I am very happy that I am with you alone today. Otherwise, recently so many people were around us. Jagya asks, how come you’re here? I thought you all would have left. Sanchi says, how could I go without seeing you? Jagya says, you’re lucky that there is no patient otherwise I wouldn’t be able to give you this much time. Sanchi says, how mean! Someone comes from this far and you say this. She then gives him a gift. Jagya says, it’s not required that you give me gift everytime we meet. I mean, I don’t like taking gifts. I can’t take gifts.. please. Sanchi requests him to check the gift. Jagya takes it and opens it. It’s a key kitchen with “S”. Sanchi asks how is it? Jagya says, nice. Sanchi shows her tattoo and says, even when we are not together, you’re always with me.. and now I will also be with you. She tells him to put his car key in it so his “S” is always with him. Jagya asks if function went fine. Sanchi says, very nice, but because of Ganga’s carelessness, there was a bit of problem. In fact, whole function got saved from getting spoiled. Jagya asks why? What happened? Sanchi tells him what happened because of Mannu. Jagya takes Mannu’s side and says, he’s a child.. how would he know what’s good and bad. Sanchi says, I agree, but Ganga is very carelessness mother. It’s good that maa and dadisa take care of Mannu, else God knows what would have happened. Jagya recalls how Ganga was crying and didn’t want to give Mannu to Ratan. He says, no Sanchi.. Ganga takes care of him a lot. Whatever she did and whatever she is doing.. not many mothers can do for their child. You won’t get all that.. how much you know her. Sanchi says, but Jagdish.. Jagdish cuts her off and says, no. I am sorry, but before saying anything about anyone, you should know about that person’s situation. If you ask yourself why someone does something for what reason, then you won’t make mistake of identifying people. Jagya seems very frustrated. Sanchi says, I will keep that in mind and I am really sorry that you felt bad, but I was just saying. Jagya says, it’s okay. Sanchi then says in her mind, but I didn’t make any mistake in knowing Ganga and that is why she must go from here.. no matter how. Sanchi receives a call from her mother who tells her it’s getting late. Sanchi says, why don’t you pick me up from here? Until then I and Jagdish will talk little more. She now asks Jagdish, so how was your day? I am not asking for details of your patient. tell me how much you missed me? Jagya has nothing to say. Anandi tells Shiv how happy Gehna was. Shiv closes door.. window. Anandi asks him why he did that. Shiv smiles and says, usually newly married couple sleep closing door and windows. He now turns off the lights and goes closer to her. Anandi feels shy and asks him not to go closer to her, but there is no effect on Shiv. He puts his hands on Anandi’s shoulder and Anandi feels shy and looks down. She asks him what are you doing? Shiv tells her to look in his eyes and asks, don’t you see how much I love you? They hug. Shiv tells her, I love you Anandi. Anandi says, I love you too Shiv. Both have eye lock and slowly go down on the bed. Next day, Dadisa gives money to Bhairo and asks him to give it to the guard as it’s his daughter’s wedding. Sumitra tells Bhairo to tell them to come back on the duty as soon as marriage is done as there is no guard in the house and she’s scared. A letter comes for Ganga from Bangalore. Jagya gets excited and opens it right away. Ganga asks him what it is about. Jagya doesn’t say anything and Ganga gets worried. She asks, I didn’t get admitted in medical school? Jagya says, it’s all in Kannad.. don’t know what’s written. Ganga says, how is this possible when we filled the form in English? Jagya says, we will have to find someone who knows Kannad. Ganga asks him to let her see once. Jagya asks, do you know Kannad? Ganga says, no.. but at least let me look once. He gives it to her and it is written in English. Ganga gets happy and Jagya smiles. Ganga reads it and then jumps in joy saying my admission is done. Everyone laughs. Dadisa tells Jagya, you made her worry so much. He has become very naughty these days. Sumitra says, he’s very happy these days since Sanchi came in his life. Jagya’s smile kinda disappears. Ganga takes blessings from everyone and everyone is very happy for her, including Sumitra. Sumitra says, I hope you get lots of success and always be happy wherever you stay. Ganga stops smiling for a moment, but then again smiles. Screen freezes on Ganga’s happy face. Voiceover: You never forget problems that you faced in past and that is why you want to run away from any future’s problems.. no matter if you have to sacrifice your happiness for that. Precap: Jagya’s family is waiting for Dadisa to go to the guard’s daughter’s wedding. Bhairo says, money will be useful for him, if he gets before the barrat comes. He asks Basant to come with Sumitra and Dadisa. Bhairo leaves. Anandi is praying and suddenly diya goes off. Anandi fears if it’s a sign of something bad happening.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 19:28:30 +0000

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