Balogun Ojetade recent post on how to create a character in Ki - TopicsExpress


Balogun Ojetade recent post on how to create a character in Ki Khanga inspired me. Now like Milton Davis ,I have a character to journey into Ki Khanga. Abilities Str: 5 End: 10 Dex: 10 Ag: 12 Int: 6 Wis: 5 Pre: 9 Fight: 7 Health: 9 Will: 10 Wealth: 7(x5)=35 e.p. 6 after purchasing items Skills Acrobatics: 2 ranks, Balance: 2 ranks, Climb: 1 rank, Concentration: 1 rank, Decipher Script: 1 rank, Diplomacy: 2 ranks, Disable Device: 2 ranks, Escape Artist: 2 ranks, Forgery: 1 rank, Gather Info: 1 rank, Hide: 1 rank, Knowledge (Arcana: 5 ranks), (Local Lore: 1 rank), Listen: 1 rank, Move Silently: 1 rank, Perform: Comedy and Acrobatics 2 rank, Sleight of Hand: 1 rank, Speak Language: 2 ranks( Urabic and Targa), Survival: 1 rank, Use Magic Device: 2 rank Talents Agile: +2 on Balance and Escape Artist checks, Alertness: +2 on Spot and Listen Checks, Ambidexterity, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deceitful: +2 on Forgery and Disguise checks, Deflect Arrows, Deft Hands: +2 on Sleight of Hands checks, Dodge: +1 on Def from a chosen opponent, Dual Wield, Improved Disarmed , Improved Initiative: +4 to initiative checks, Magical Aptitude: +2 on magical item use and Arcana checks, Nimble Fingers: +2 on disable device and pick locks check, Persuasive: +2 on Bluff, Scribe Scroll, Stealthy: +2 on hide and move silently checks, Two weapon Defense: +2 Protection when Dual wielding, Weapon Proficiency: Sheru( Targa Short Sword), Throwing Daggers, and Sling Effects Flight: Biological, the Tellum people have the natural ability to fly 1 rank Prodigious Luck: Biological, 3 ranks. Equipment Short Sword (2), Arm Knife (1), Daggers (5) throwing, Sling, Leather Armor, Two Travelers Outfit Background The man known as the Kalowuleno(the Red Ant), was born into slavery. His parents were Tellem, a tribe of dwarfs that lived in the Bandiagara Escarpment in Northern Mali. They captured by Targa Raiders and became part of the Elkan , a slave caste amongst the Raiders. He was naturally nimble and the raiders soon began to teach how to handle a sheru, the long dagger they carried. He would juggle and toss the dagger for the entertainment of the Imusay or nobles of the Targa clans. He learned various stories and tricks and as such was not treated as harshly as other slaves. His value also caused him to be separated from his family as he was sold several times amongst his captors. He discovered his ability to fly when he turned 12 rains. Seeing his opportunity, he practiced his new found talent in order plot his escape. One night after a celebration he created a disturbance and tried to encourage his peers and other slaves to follow him. He was disappointed to find his peers were condition in their place in the Targa hierarchy, and he left alone. Days of travel with barely enough food and supplies , he was soon found by a Fezian merchant. The merchant provided him with food and shelter and took him to the capitol, Faraz. He found he was still not free as he was sold to a wizard who collected Tellems. The wizard kept wards around them to block their powers to fly. The wizard noticed his keen mind and allowed him to assist with his arcane pursuits. He seethed secretly and whenever he had an opportunity he studied the ancient runes and symbols hoping to find a way to free himself from his gilded cage. He soon discovered the wizard’s journal and discovered his real purpose for the Tellem’s in his possession. He planned to sacrifice them in order to learn their ability to fly. Taking advantage of his increased mobility in the manor, it was a relatively simple trick to light a few fires in secret corners and then ensure that all of his Tellem kin were safe in the slaves quarters. He was once again disappointed as his Tellem brothers and sisters bemoaned their fate and loss of their “home”. Disgusted he stowed away on a merchant vessel and made his way to Timbuktu in Mali. It was here he began his new identity. He abandoned his old name and lost himself in the Back alleys and slums of Mali. He became thief and look out for a local thieves guild. His mahogany skin and penchant to wear red, he took the name Kalowelno , the red ant. His wit and daggers were known to bite many a foe who underestimated him. He bristled with his role in the guild and once again fled to seek his own fortune. He found his way to Sati Baa, the City at the Center of the World. He now seeks whatever thrills and fortune that come his way. Name: Kalowelno( the Red Ant) Age: 26 rains From: Bandiagara Escarpment in Northern Mali. Description: Kaloweno is a mahogany skinned ,411 Tellem , a dwarf like people, who make their homes in the cliffs of northern Mali. He has expressive eyes with a hint of mischievous glint. He could be easily mistaken for a child if not for his thin goatee. He is partial to the color red and carries two Sheru ( 18 Daggers from Targa) that he weilds with deadly proficiency.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 21:35:40 +0000

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