Bandar bin Sultan: longitudinal, drew not only in the Middle East - TopicsExpress


Bandar bin Sultan: longitudinal, drew not only in the Middle East by God to help the Shiites. International> Middle East - ISNA wrote: Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the former Saudi ambassador in America, and was also former head of intelligence in this country, when Sir Richard Dyrlav, former head of British foreign intelligence (MI 6) had said: The Middle East is only God that will not soon be Shiites to come. aged more than a billion of them Sbrshan bowl is overflowing! English newspaper The Independent in an article about Saudi support for Al Qaeda and extremism in the Middle East, writes: KSA Dash extent complicit in the occupation of Iraq and Damnzdn sectarian conflict in the Middle East? Long before September 11, 2001, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi intelligence directorate recently set aside, revealing conversation with Richard Dyrlav, former head of British foreign intelligence agency. Bandar bin Sultan said to her length will not help the Shia in the Middle East because only God should age well over a billion Sbrshan bowl is full of them! Bandar bin Sultan, who predicted the deadly time probably has come to many Shiites and Saudi role in its realization by supporting Shiite militias in Iraq, and Syria has proof. After the capture of the city of Mosul by Dash on June 10, women and children were massacred Shiite villages south of Kirkuk and Shiite Iraqi Air Force officers near the city of Tikrit slaughtered and buried in mass graves. In Mosul, belonging to Shiite mosques and Mqbrhhay exploded in Shia - Trkmannshyn Tal Afar, four thousand houses were captured by militants Dash as booty. In areas occupied by Sunni insurgents in Iraq and Syria, as if you or a Shia Alawite sect, such as its make, its like a Jew in Nazi Germany in Europe in 1940 under the control of luck. Doubts about the authenticity of quotes Bandar bin Sultan, Secretary General of the Saudi National Security Council in 2005 and the countrys intelligence chief from 2012 to 2014 does not exist. Two-year period between 2012 and 2014 were crucial years during which Afratgrany of al-Qaeda, the Taliban took control of Iraq and Syria. Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute Dyrlav England Bndrbn Sultan stressed the importance of this statement, saying the comment was scary comment that I remember it well. Dyrlav the head of MI6 from 1999 to 2004 were, no doubt, continuous and effective financial support of private benefactors in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the authorities closed their eyes to the important role in the Sunni areas of Iraq, Dash Mastery has had. He said that such incidents do not occur spontaneously. This is a realistic opinion and tribal leaders and Sunni groups in Iraqs provinces often under the sponsorship of religion in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf countries are unlikely to work without their consent with Dash. Dyrlav controversial revelations about the occurrence of anticipated Bandar bin Sultan to the fateful day for the Shias and his vision that has Dash Saudi-led rebellion in advance, according to experts the news little Encountered wonderful. Instead, news coverage focused on the main topic of this talk that talk Dyrlav Dash threat against the West has been overstated, respectively. He said that this kind of exaggerating the threat of al Qaeda and bin Laden Unlike Dash, which is essentially a new war against Muslims. Of course, Christians do not just happen because Dash areas occupied by the prodigal desecration of their churches, and they were forced to flee. Dash Dash is a difference between al-Qaeda and is better organized and if to attack Western targets, perhaps the results would be catastrophic. The predicted Bndrbn Sultan, the Saudi security policy within the last three decades, 100 million Shiites in the Middle East that will be faced with catastrophe, many Shiites believe that they are taking victim of a campaign led by Saudi Arabia to the. An Iraqi interpreter, who did not disclose his name, said after what happened in northern Iraq Shiite threat not only to see but it is a military threat from the widespread penetration of the Wahhabi sect of Islam in Arabia the interpretation of non negligent Shias and other sects as heretics condemned to know. Dyrlav Pambrvk College at Cambridge University in England was the chairman, stated that according to past experience, strategic thinking Arabia believes stems from two beliefs and attitudes are deep. First of all, they are confident that any challenges to their Wahhabi ideology as an acceptable and legitimate right guard against the Muslims holiest temples not exist. But, most importantly, with regard to the sectarian conflict deepened, the Saudis believe that a monopoly on religion in their hands deeply into any warfare led to the Shiites that challenge absorbed. Western governments traditionally the relationship between Saudi Arabia and its Wahhabi sect of militant movements in one hand and a prodigal who belong to Osama bin Ladens al-Qaeda-type or belonging to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Dash type are not so important. There are no hidden truth about the relationship of the 19 hijackers involved in the September 11, 2001 incident, 15 people were Saudis and Saudi bin Laden and most of the sponsors of the operation. The difference between Al Qaeda and Dash is also exaggerated when bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces in 2011, bin Laden praised al-Baghdadis statement and vowed to avenge the death of his Dash attack will do 100. However, the Saudi policy towards extremism of al-Qaeda second approach, there is an opposite approach which Prince Bandar bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia considers them against the deadly threat. Dyrlav the attitude of explaining how the September 11, 2001, along with Tony Blair traveled to Riyadh explained in the fastest possible time. He recalled that the head of the Saudi intelligence agency office shouted over his head and said: September 11th hit the small West. In the medium term, this would be nothing more than a personal tragedy. What the terrorists want to destroy the Saudi government and reconfigure the Middle East. Saudi Arabia, both in politics and at the same time lobbying against Shiite extremism as an effective tool for encouraging outside, but inside them as a threat to the status quo suppressed. Last year the dual policy is disintegrating. Disclosure documents belonging to the government of Saudi support America against Shiite militias prodigal detected. The whistle-blower website WikiLeaks released a document, Hillary Clinton, Americas former foreign minister, wrote in December 2009 that Saudi financial support for an important base for al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Pakistan and other terrorist groups. He said that the measures taken so far against al-Qaida in Saudi Arabia, not because of its external activities, but also have to overcome an internal threat. Now being abandoned Bandar bin Sultan of Saudi intelligence chief authority, this policy change, but the change was still fresh and vague and may occur very late. A few days ago, a Saudi princess said of a satellite network does not support the advertisers against Shiites in Egypt. Saudi problem is that its efforts since being abandoned Bandar bin Sultan, to create a base against Assad Anti Nouri al-Maliki and the Sunni al-Qaeda and its affiliates at the same time so as to be opposed, has failed. Saudi Arabia and its allies to undermine Maliki and Assad are actually playing to win Dashy rapidly taking control of the Iraqi opposition in Syria. In Mosul, including events that occurred earlier in Rqh Syrian forces and opposition critics Dash disarmed and forced to swear allegiance to the new caliph and kill them if they resist. West also probably due to the alliance with Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf monarchies that democracy has always been attractive extremism, will pay for. An example of the double standards of the Western powers and their reaction to the democratic and peaceful protests in March 2011 in Bahrains Shiite majority, led by Saudi Arabia. About 1,500 troops were sent to Saudi Arabia to Bahrain protests too much repression and destruction of Shiite mosques, tombs and ended. America and Britain have always said that the al-Khalifa dynasty in Bahrain to pursue dialogue and reform, but a few days before the pretext, after the senior America, Bahrain, the diplomat to meet with the leaders of the opposition Shiite communities in the total Malinowski the Wefaq sacked faintly will. Malinowski in his reaction said, I was not on the Bahraini Government is aiming to undermine the negotiations. Western powers and their regional allies from criticism for their role in fueling the war in Iraq have fled. They publicly and privately, Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister due to marginalize the Sunni minority and stimulation they have accused of supporting the rebellion led by Dash. This is by no means the whole story. Iraqs Maliki Kvtahyhay not cause the collapse. What causes instability in Iraq from 2011 onwards, the riots in Syria, dominated by extremists backed by supporters in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arabic Emirates on the rebellion. Iraqi politicians have repeatedly warned Western leaders to avoid civil war in Syria to end the war in Iraq as inevitable. Iraqi leaders have said a few days ago I guess they did not believe our words and getting rid of Assad urged. America and British politicians and diplomats, however, argue that they have no objection with the end of the war in Syria, but the argument is misleading. But America and Britain insisted that peace talks must Assad relinquishing of power - something that did not happen because of Syrias Bashar Assad and his men in most cities are moving forward - that the the country continue to guarantee finds. Nfbrndh war, Dash was the last to disagree with the government in the past two weeks to clean up East Syria. Kurds in northern Syria and al-Qaida front Alnsrh as the representative in this country is influenced by forces that Dash was high-spirited artillery and tanks, captured from the Iraqi Army use, the problems encountered. Dash also without attracting attention, many oil wells that Syria was in control occupies. Saudi Arabia created a monster without horns and tail that is rapidly losing control. The Truth About its allies, including Turkey, a vital support base for the Dash and Front Giving them a free Alnsrh through a long border with Syria provided is true. Falling under the control of the border crossings with the Kurds in the border Dash, Turkey finds that a neighbor had found much violence in return for favors former Turkish intelligence, it would be appreciated. About Saudi Arabia may support the Sunni insurgency in Iraq and Syria to be regretted because social networks owned by targeting Saudi prodigal start talking about it. The former head of Saudi intelligence, who Dyrlav meeting with his quote after the September 11 attacks and did not disclose the name, appropriate analysis of the threats against Saudi Arabia, and this fact led to the expulsion of Bandar was not Bndrbnsltan. It was not the only issue that Bandar was wrong about that. Dash appearance, but its bad news for Iraqi Shias to Snyhayy leaders have succumbed to the Khmer Rouge movement in Cambodia can be described as bloody and Bythml, the news is worse. Dash New Caliphate ruled the impoverished area, big and remote that people run away from it. Multi-million Sunnis in Baghdad and surrounding areas are vulnerable situation and in the long run not to win but to Dash Thjr combination of good organization, working to eliminate this group difficult. Bandar bin Sultan said, God should help but thanks to his Shias, Sunnis now scattered groups of Shiites in Iraq and Syria may need to have the help of God. Keywords: Dash (Islamic Emirate of Iraq and dinner) - Saudi Arabia
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:37:04 +0000

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