Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) is - TopicsExpress


Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) is conducting an analysis on Electoral Security. In this regard the institute is carrying out a social media survey with only 5 questions. We would be grateful and it would be helpful for the objectivity of such an important survey if you kindly take a minute and respond to the questionnaire of the attached formant and send it back to us by 5 February 2014. The questionnaire is given below. We will appreciate if you please inbox your reply. Major Sarwar Jahan Chowdhury (Retd) Associate Research Fellow BIPSS Electoral security, mostly, concerns a secure environment where all the willing voters can freely go to the polling station and vote as per their free will. With this aim the idea entails political actions and propriety with this regard, security arrangement, control of security forces i.e. police, ansar, RAB, BGB, army and planning and deployment of security forces including their numbers and other preparations. The survey questions in this respect are (any answer otherwise of the options may be mentioned also): 1. Was the political situation intimidating for the willing voters of 5th January 2014 election ? - Yes/ No. 2. If yes. What was the prime reason for which the willing voters did not go to polling stations? - a. Threat from opposition. b. Inadequate physical security arrangement. 3. Should better skilled force like army/ RAB/BGB should have been deployed in addition to police and ansar for polling station and route to polling station security for better election security or their deployment as striking reserve was alright ? - a. They should have been deployed for polling station and route to polling station security. b. They should be striking reserve. 4. Should the striking reserve groups in each district composed of army, BGB and RAB be more geographically spread event they are smaller for the willing voters to feel safer to go out and vote? - a. Existing system alright. b. Smaller striking reserves; more in number and more spread would make the willing voters feel safer. 5. Should there be a significant capacity enhancement for election security in Bangladesh or the existing state is workable as it involves recourse to public money? - a. There should be significant capacity enhancement. b. Existing election security state is workable.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 10:39:57 +0000

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