Bangladeshi Prime Minister Shaikh Hasina returned to Dhaka on - TopicsExpress


Bangladeshi Prime Minister Shaikh Hasina returned to Dhaka on Saturday after concluding a two-day visit to the Kingdom in which she visited the Prophets Mosque in Madinah and performed umrah (non-obligatory pilgrimage) in Makkah. Hasina was received on arrival at Jeddah airport on Friday morning by Mohammed Shahidul Islam, Bangladeshs ambassador to the Kingdom, Consul General Mohammed Nazmul Islam, Abdulaziz Al-Khodairi, secretary to the Makkah governorate, and senior protocol officials. The prime minister was accompanied by a 55-member entourage, which included family members, notably her younger sister, Shaikh Rehana, journalists and government officials. Hasina joined Friday prayers after performing Umrah in Makkah and later left for Madinah to visit the Prophets Mosque. Hasina was seen off by high-ranking Bangladeshi officials and Saudi officials from the Madinah governorate and protocol. Hasina also met with Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, Pakistans speaker of the National Assembly, at the Conference Palace in Makkah. They discussed bilateral relations. Sadiq suggested regular exchanges during parliamentary visits. He also suggested that Bangladesh send its cricket team to Pakistan. The Pakistani cricket team, he said, would be visiting Bangladesh to compete in the T20 cricket tournament. Hasina congratulated Sadiq on the smooth transition of government and the strengthening of democracy and democratic institutions in Pakistan. She said elections will be held in January next year in Bangladesh. The president has formed a committee to appoint an election commission for ensuring free and fair elections.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 21:28:16 +0000

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