Banish stress with these superfoods When stressed, the - TopicsExpress


Banish stress with these superfoods When stressed, the body secretes a hormone called cortisol which increases food cravings. Stress could lead to an emotional rollercoaster and nobody likes a rollercoaster that’s not situated at an amusement park. hellofood advises on foods that can beat anxiety and reduce stress. Banana – With only 105 calories and 14 g of sugar, a medium banana fills you up, provides a mild blood sugar boost, and has 30 per cent of the day’s vitamin B6, which helps the brain produce mellowing serotonin, getting you through a crisis peacefully. Fish – Fishes like salmon and tuna are great for reducing stress and also help keep cortisol levels in check. Try to eat these at least twice a week. Oranges – The vitamin c found in oranges can reduce levels of stress hormones and strengthen the immune system at the same time. Avocado – These have been shown to have beneficial effects on high blood pressure. Turkey – Turkey contains an amino acid called L-Trrptophan which triggers the realease of an essential “feel-good” brain chemical, which can make one feel calm and relaxed. Almonds – Almonds are very rich in vitamins B2 and E. Which help boost the immune system during times of stress. Just a quarter cup of almonds each day does the trick. Berries- Blueberries have some of the highest levels of an antioxidant known as anthocyanin, and they’ve been linked to all kinds of positive health outcomes, including sharper cognition. They seems small but just a handful powerful punch of antioxidants and vitamin c making it mighty stress busters . When we are stressed, Our bodies need vitamin c and antioxidants to help repair and protect cells. Oatmeal – oatmeal is another food that helps get the calm-inducing hormone serotonin flowing. Go for thick cut oatmeal because they are higher in fiber and there calming effect last longer.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 10:00:03 +0000

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