Bank Of England Governor Mark Carney takes a different tone from - TopicsExpress


Bank Of England Governor Mark Carney takes a different tone from the Unionist politicians on a Currency Union. Read more below. He said: I will reiterate that we will implement whatever were asked to implement and Ill add further, if I may, that we also have responsibilities, as you know, for financial stability in the United Kingdom and we will continue to discharge those responsibilities until they change. We will continue to discharge those responsibilities regardless of the outcome of the vote on the 18th September. Mr Carneys comments strike a different tone to the UK government, which has repeatedly said it was not putting contingency plans in place for the possibility of Scotland voting for independence. His remarks were welcomed by Scottish Finance Secretary John Swinney, who said the governor had confirmed that the Bank of England would remain responsible for the currency and financial stability of Scotland and the rest of the UK in the event of a Yes vote. He added: This also shows why it is in the best interests of the rest of the UK to continue with a currency union on independence. The Scottish government is clear that an independent Scotland will use the pound and we will do so in a currency union - any suggestion otherwise is just bluster, as confirmed by the senior UK minister who has admitted that of course there will be a currency union following a Yes vote. Mr Carneys calm and considered comments are a sharp contrast to the scaremongering and threats of UK politicians.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:09:21 +0000

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