Barack Hussein Obama: the Man, the Myth, the Misery September 21, - TopicsExpress


Barack Hussein Obama: the Man, the Myth, the Misery September 21, 2013 at 10:29 am Written by Allan Erickson Destroying our economy is bad enough: funding terrorism is treason. Six million more fall into poverty thanks to “economic recovery” and Leftist policies installed with a vengeance since 2006. cnsnews/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/census-obama-s-1st-term-real-median-income-down-2627-people-poverty Headline: Obama Waives Ban on Arming Terrorists to Allow Aid to Syrian Opposition washingtonexaminer/obama-waives-ban-on-arming-terrorists-to-allow-aid-to-syrian-opposition/article/2535885 The Destroyer is making tremendous headway. Notice that waiving this law essentially acknowledges Syrian rebels are terrorists, and, Obama insists we arm them, an illegal act amounting to treason. Sweet! Otherwise, let’s look at the record from 30,000 feet. Examples of Obama problem-solving: Syria: bomb Assad but give him a year advance notice expecting no results, handing the entire situation over to the Russians, while arming our enemies in Syria, animals who behead children. Promise no boots on the ground in Syria, under any circumstances, unless it becomes necessary. Use every opportunity to demonize Republicans, even as police are trying to handle a mass shooting event on a military installation in the Capitol, just before claiming the economy is in recovery. Cut military spending to dangerous new lows in a time of war, remove much of the nuclear deterrent, and cater to the demands of the Russians and the Chinese, then tell people national security is your number one priority. Alienate allies, cozy up to enemies, fund Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, foment war and conflict (Libya, Egypt) and then call all Conservatives enemies of the state. frontpagemag/2012/dgreenfield/obama-funds-terrorists/ Threaten the U.S. intelligence community with prosecution for doing their jobs to secure the country, weaken our security, and then complain when breaches occur, blaming it on Republicans and the sequester, a financial maneuver that was your idea originally. Cause Benghazi, lie about Benghazi, cover up Benghazi, ignore Benghazi, and lie about it some more. Direct IRS persecution of conservative groups, then feign outrage when the news breaks. Claim you desire to improve race relations as you do everything possible to fan the flames of tension and suspicion, then blame it all on “typical white people”. Use every tragedy to take guns away from law-abiding citizens, ignoring wrongdoers, and arm terrorists overseas, then run home and brag about getting bin Laden as you polish up your peace prize. Insist on deep, extensive background checks on everyone, but refuse to release your own records after forging your birth certificate. Bankrupt the economy, aggravate income disparity, destroy the dollar, destroy jobs, then hold press conferences telling everyone things are getting better, recovery is your priority. Ruin the best healthcare system in the world through hook and crook legislation, threaten anyone who opposes you, and claim progress in reform, provision of service and costs. Violate the Constitution at most every turn but publicly sing the praises of our founding principles but ignore Constitution Day and systematically erode and destroy individual, God-given rights, the opposite of the oath taken to protect and defend. Send Americans into harm’s way, ignore them when they get killed and wounded, and when they come home, cut their pay and their benefits, and send a form letter to grieving parents, signed by a computer. Ignore 55 million murdered American babies, among them a disproportionate number of Black babies, but use an allegation of Sarin gas used on children in Syria as a pretext for war, insisting you have unilateral authority and a moral obligation to wage war, yet you seek the consent of Congress, claim such consent irrelevant, and then go on to say: ”God bless Planned Parenthood.” There are no solutions when the intent is multiplying problems.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 15:14:03 +0000

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