Barack Obama admitted as a candidate in 2008 pitching his - TopicsExpress


Barack Obama admitted as a candidate in 2008 pitching his so-called “green energy” plan, “Under my plan…electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” And for him and his Hollywood elite supporters, a rise in electricity rates are just a drop in the bucket. But for millions of Americans a ten, twenty, or thirty percent increase in electricity costs are really a burden. Now, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been drafted as a taxpayer funded militia in what has become Barack Obama’s “War on Coal.” In fact, the EPA’s most recent regulations completely ban the building of new coal powered plants and factories. Yet by the EPA’s own admission, these new regulations will not have even the slightest impact on the environment. But it certainly will have a huge impact on our economy. These regulations are projected to cost our country at least $21 billion a year. Jobs in the energy industry and in manufacturing will be destroyed or sent overseas. In an already employment rife economy, millions of Americans will be put out of work, and several states where coal mining is a way of life will see their economies in shambles. And beyond electricity, the cost of fuel and goods is bound to skyrocket as well. Barack Obama seems to think the EPA is his personal army. Thanks to them, Barack Obama can wipe out entire industries at the stroke of a pen. Billions of our tax dollars are funding his “War on Coal” every step of the way. Why should we as taxpayers be forced to pour billions of dollars into keeping an agency which sends hundreds of thousands of Americans to the unemployment lines? Sincerely, Gary Paumen, President National League of Taxpayers
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 21:37:11 +0000

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