Barack Obama must be removed from office and indicted for TREASON. - TopicsExpress


Barack Obama must be removed from office and indicted for TREASON. He has violated his oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution. He has lied to the Country on numerous occasions. He has been central in divisive actions to split our Nation along race, gender and religion lines. He has lost ALL credibility and lost our confidence. He has crippled our military and aided and emboldened our enemies. He is UNFIT to continue as POTUS!! The Nation we know and love will not withstand 2 more years of his abuses!Start the impeachment process NOW!!!! Trey Gowdy, Senator Angus S. King, Jr., Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Harry Reid, Senator Roy Blunt, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Pat Toomey, Senator Lamar Alexander, Senator Scott Ludlam, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Dan Coats, Senator Pat Roberts, Senator Mike Crapo, Congressman Charlie Dent, Congressman Duncan Hunter, Congressman Steve Stockman, Congressman Darrell E. Issa, Congressman Steve Pearce, Congressman Tim Ryan, Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick, Congressman Mike Coffman, Congresswoman Corrine Brown, Congresswoman Janice Hahn, Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler, Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema, Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth, Congresswoman Annie Kuster, Congresswoman Julia Brownley, Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Representative Tom Cotton, Representative Marcia L. Fudge, Representative Martha Roby, Representative Todd Rokita, Representative Mike Kelly, Representative Doug Collins, Representative Matt Salmon, Representative Sean Patrick Maloney, Representative Alan Lowenthal, Representative Jeff Denham, Representative Marcy Kaptur, Joe Biden, Speaker John Boehner, Speaker of the House, Senator Rob Portman, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Megyn Kelly Thomas Clodfelter, MSgt, USAF (Ret)
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 03:26:31 +0000

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