Barack Obama officially announced his support «neutrality on the - TopicsExpress


Barack Obama officially announced his support «neutrality on the Internet». He claimed that there was no Internet providers may control the Internet market and urged the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to develop rules to regulate the Internet. Video of the speech is available in English across Hmaalrabott. And we will publish the translation of the US presidents speech. Internet should be free Free Internet is important for the American economy and the American way of life. It helps to implement new ideas, and creates political movements and makes people closer to each other. This is one of the most important aspects of democracy in the history of mankind. The «network neutrality» naturally inherent in the Internet since its inception, but should not this be taken seriously on the crossing. We can not allow for ISPs to give preference to certain people in the online market. This is my reason for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to meet the demands of nearly 4 million from the generalized expressions of opinion and make the rules very clear to protect the neutrality of the Internet. Even when I was a candidate for the presidency, spoke free and open Internet for the benefit and since then confirmed the validity of my point of view. Four years ago I tried FCC to develop rules to protect the neutrality of the Internet, which will not interfere with the work of the telecommunications companies who are major investors in our economy. After the rejection of these rules have been re-examine them in court. The court agreed with the FCC that net neutrality in the Internet is essential to maintain the Mútah environment for investment in the Internet and the emergence of new online services and content and the formation of a new network as we know it now. Unfortunately, these rules Court overturned eventually in spite of agreeing on the need to protect the neutrality of the Internet and found that the FCC has chosen the wrong legal approach. FCC - an independent agency, and ultimately the decision is due to them. But I believe that the FCC must create a new set of rules to protect the neutrality of the Internet, which ensures that the cable companies or telecom companies will not Torteuran user what can be done or what can be seen on the Internet. I would like to ensure that these rules provide a set of simple and logical Aldmanat. Guarantees to preserve the Internet as we know it today. Ban Moaqa.ama lock the users request to access the service or site on the Internet and their content was not in violation of the law is not entitled to prevent the user from provider to do so. And therefore is fair treatment for all players and not just for belonging to the Mzod.hzer channels ensure the right to provider delay the transfer of certain content intentionally and accelerate the transfer of other content in the same Aelloukt.xiaodh Alchwefah.alalaqh between the user and the provider of a so-called «last mile» is not the only area where can be used for different sites position. So I ask the FCC to investigate fully the right of transparency, which received the support of the court recently and if necessary in the application of the rules of neutrality in Internet exchange points between the provider and the rest Alanturnt.hzer priorities should be in the service end of the list did not pay Alantzarlonha price runs. This would undermine the policy of equal opportunities for the growth of the Internet. Therefore, as it was before I demand to ban the prioritization of payment and any other limitation with a similar effect. If these rules carefully drafting should not be a burden on suppliers. It also can determine the specific exceptions clearly, if it is necessary to manage the network or by virtue of the provision of specialized services such as the delivery of an important channel in the hospital to the Internet. But in general, these rules must contain all that is necessary to maintain the openness of the Internet. It should also be rules that reflect the fact that people today use the Internet via mobile devices increasingly. I believe that the FCC should these rules are fully applied to mobile broadband networks with the specifics of the work taking into consideration the wireless networks. Rules should be based on the lessons of the past to keep up with the times. And now for almost a century of law determines that provided services to Internet companies should not be misusing exclusive access to our homes or offices. This is why the phone call by one of the companys customers agent of another company successfully achieved so participants do not pay a higher amount when they connect with someone uses another provider. Common sense dictates that the same philosophy should be used in the provision of any services for the transmission of information, whether it is a phone call or data transfer. Time to realize FCC has come that access to the Internet has become the necessities of life, like many other vital services, and it involves the same responsibility. Time to realize FCC has come that access to the Internet has become the necessities of life, like many other vital services, and it involves the same responsibility. I think that for this purpose must be to re-FCC classified broadband access and apply Chapter II of the Communications Act and therefore withdrawn from the scope of regulation of tariffs and other provisions that do not relate to the Internet. This is a recognition of the importance of the services provided to citizens and corporate America by distributors and create the necessary index on the Internet restrictions in order to serve everyone and not a few companies. Investments have created jobs in terrestrial and wireless networks and transformed America into the center of the living ecosystem of digital devices, applications and platforms and this ensures the economic growth of our country and enhances our ability. It is important to note that the investment is still at a high level during the previous period when he was working to protect Internet neutrality in the system before it was canceled by the court. The court agreed to protect the neutrality of the Internet encourages investment and innovation. If abstained abyss FCC for use restrictions in the second quarter, which were not necessary for the implementation of the above principles will be seen that the new rules are not contrary to stimulate investment in network infrastructure. The Internet is one of the greatest gifts to our society and our economy. Was created for the FCC to promote competition, innovation and investment in infrastructure .vmn hard to imagine a more important task to protect the open Internet and free and available as part of this essential task. I thank the members of the Committee to listen With all due respect I ask them to take the proposed policy to maintain the opportunities offered by the Internet and our next generations that.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 05:53:19 +0000

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