Barack Obama took office promising to fundamentally transform - TopicsExpress


Barack Obama took office promising to fundamentally transform America. While his domestic agenda has gotten most of the attention, Obama has done tremendous damage to Americas foreign policy as well. For example: During a speech at the Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C., yesterday, Canadian Foreign Minister Brian Baird said this regarding the Keystone pipeline: If theres one message Im going to be promoting on this trip, its time for Keystone right now. Itll go further -- the time for a decision on Keystone is now, even if its not the right one. We cant continue in this state of limbo. Baird is right. Canada wont wait forever. It has a lot of oil it needs to sell, and the Chinese desperately want it. At the end of the day, it doesnt matter to Canada whether the pipeline goes south or west. But it matters a lot to our national security. The less oil we import from the Middle East, the better. Approving the Keystone pipeline should be a no-brainer, but Obama has delayed a decision for five years, holding our national security interests hostage to environmental extremists. And now our friends and allies to the north have lost their patience with Obamas dithering. Sir Hew Strachan, an Oxford professor of military history and a top foreign policy and military advisor to the British government, has some scathing comments about Obamas leadership. Specifically, Strachan believes Obama is chronically incapable of developing a coherent military strategy, adding Obama has no sense of what he wants to do in the world. Strachan called Obamas handling of Syria crazy, saying his talk of red lines devalued the deterrent effect of American military capability. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon made headlines this week for his blunt comments about Secretary of State John Kerry, and by extension Barack Obamas approach to Israel. Kerry has made ten trips to the Middle East, trying to force the Israelis into a peace deal with the Palestinians, who still refuse to merely recognize Israels right to exist. Yaalon blasted Kerry for acting out of misplaced obsession and messianic fervor. But there was more. The Kerry/Obama proposal was not worth the paper its written on. ...It contains no peace and no security, Yaalon said, adding, The only thing that can save us is for John Kerry to win a Nobel Prize and leave us in peace. Sadly, more and more Israelis, on the left and the right, share Yaalons view that the United States under Obama is increasingly unreliable, and that perhaps it is time for Israel to disengage -- not from the peace process -- but from Obamas America. Canada. Great Britain. Israel. These are Americas best friends and allies. If that is what top officials in these key nations are saying about America today, just imagine what our enemies must be thinking. Wolf Fighting For Freedom Abroad Yesterday we got another reminder of why Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA), who recently announced that he would not seek reelection this year, is irreplaceable. While budget battles and Obamacare dominate the headlines, Rep. Wolf continues to call attention to the scourge of religious and political persecution abroad. Under the congressmans leadership, a hearing was held yesterday on Capitol Hill highlighting the plight of prisoners of conscience. Among the witnesses at the hearing was Natan Sharansky, a Soviet Jew who spent years in a gulag for his activism on behalf of human rights. After an intense public campaign, he was released and permitted to emigrate to Israel, where he became a member of the Knesset and served as deputy prime minister. Sharansky told members of Congress yesterday that his Soviet jailers would mock him, saying, You are in our hands. If you disappear, no one will notice. But Sharansky believes he was freed because people around the world who cared about freedom, cared about him and did everything they could to make sure others knew about his plight. Rep. Wolf hopes that similar movements can help stop Christian persecution and free political prisoners held in China and in many Muslim countries today. Even as he winds down his time in Congress, Rep. Wolf is not going quietly. He remains committed to fighting for human dignity, and doing all he can to give voice to those suffering in the shadows around the world. Because of leaders like Frank Wolf, they will not be forgotten. Wasting Your Money The Obamacare embarrassments keep piling up. After months of tweaks and hundreds of millions of your hard-earned tax dollars, the glitchy Obamacare website,, still doesnt work properly. In fact, it is still so bad that the Obama Administration recently announced that it has hired yet another company, Accenture Federal Services, to take over the project. And how much more is this virtual monument to big government incompetence going to cost you? At least another $90 million. Remember, folks, the website should be the easy part. And the money spent on the website will be a drop in the bucket compared to the taxes needed to pay for Obamas socialist health care scheme. * * * * * FOLLOW GARY ON FACEBOOK AND TWITTER. VISIT END OF DAY ARCHIVES TO SHARE REPORTS ON FACEBOOK. SIGN UP FOR GARY BAUERS END OF DAY REPORT. EMAIL GARY BAUER If you would like to support our work, please click on the following link: Support CWF or you may mail contributions to the following address: Campaign for Working Families 2800 Shirlington Road Suite 930 Arlington, VA 22206 Phone: 703-671-8800 Fax: 703-671-8899 To be removed from Gary Bauers End of Day distribution list, please click here and hit the Send button. Paid for by Campaign for Working Families and not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 06:03:35 +0000

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