Barack al-Obama, Mark al-Pryor and the rest of the al-Obama Regime - TopicsExpress


Barack al-Obama, Mark al-Pryor and the rest of the al-Obama Regime cannot make up their minds whether America is in danger or not. If the coin flip lands on the IN DANGER side, here is where we stand. Our Army has disarmed until it is as small as it was in 1940, before conscription; The US Marine Corps resembles post World War I numbers; Our Navy is now the size it was in 1917, before our entry into World War I; our Air Force is flying the oldest — and smallest — fleet of planes in its history; and our nuclear arsenal is no larger than it was during the Truman administration. It takes years and over ten million dollars to train ONE FIGHTER PILOT. Once defense factories close, they don’t gin up overnight. A WWII fighter had no computer and no electronics to speak of. The support system for a single drone is significant in terms of highly trained personnel on the ground. Three years ago Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said, “Debt is the biggest threat to U.S. national security.” Every day since then, al-Obama and al-Pryor have been throwing money around like the GEICO motorcycle rider. Billions, maybe trillions for illegal aliens who rape our women, murder our citizens, abduct our children and crowd our hospitals, schools and welfare offices. Billions in foreign aid goes to countries much better off than the US. Al-Obama and al-Pryor robbed Social Security to pay for al-Obamacare. It didnt help as we see free health clinics swamped with people who can’t afford the co-pay or the huge deductibles. What kind of message did al-Obama send when he embraced the family of THE deserter and released the five terrorists? When Barack was first elected president he quickly released Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi whose parting words were, “I’ll see you guys in New York.” Now that al-Baghdadi is leader and supreme commander of ISIS, he is in position to carry out his threats. The al-Obama Regime cant say for sure since NSA is fully employed spying on law abiding citizens and our best allies. Lives were lost searching for Sgt Bergdahl while he was playing with the Taliban and freely carrying a loaded AK-47. Bergdahl returned to a hero’s welcome as if NOTHING HAD HAPPENED! Months have passed with no court martial, no punishment and without a day in the slammer. What kind of message does that send? Navy Seals were quickly condemned and subjected to court martial because a terrorist they captured had a cut on his lip after incarceration. After their careers were destroyed the Seals were cleared. Lets not forget that an unprecedented purge of the military is taking place as hundreds of Generals, Admirals, Colonels, Navy Captains and Senior Non-commissioned Officers have been canned. Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon members wrote a book but no publisher will touch it not wishing to embarrass al-Obama. There is a cone of silence over the publishing industry along with ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN and the leading newspapers. For years al-Obama has plundered America with impunity along with his enablers in the media and congress. President Reagan’s policy of PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH has been scrapped by the al-Obama Regime in favor of PEACE THROUGH WEAKNESS. How’s that working?
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 15:50:42 +0000

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