Barack is on my tv just talking and talking . I just read a - TopicsExpress


Barack is on my tv just talking and talking . I just read a friends post totally denouncing him . Whether I like this president or not is not the point much like the other presidents . What I felt did not matter . What color they happened to be also did not matter . I never thought for a moment that they would hook me up ! What I know for sure is that I have not witnessed as much disrespect for the President as I have these past two terms and it started before the inauguration .... Test after test .... Roadblock after roadblock . Was he perfect ? No ? Was that expected ? Seems that was the primary thought process . Should he have used his platform to help the black population come up ? Lol .... I know somebody is gonna nail me to the cross for this but we have a racial prejudice problem here thats about to be put front and center ... Everybody black and white alike are aware if it and thats why its now politically incorrect to discuss it or even mention it . I am brave but still cautious in some neighborhoods right now in 2014 !!! Can you believe that ? I am sure thats just me ... We are now doing this heavy trying too hard to diversify campaign in church and everywhere else !!! Trying to convince ourselves that we are getting along great and on the upswing gaining ground on being totally colorblind . Even willing to forego your true flow for music to be more appealing in the worship setting . I cannot fake my worship ... Sorry ... I love music of all genres but I cannot deny myself my God given flow to pacify somebody else for simple affirmation !!! The first step to recovery is to be honest . Some still cannot bear to follow the lead of a black man .... Check out the ratio of multicultural churches led by black men versus those led by white men . I am not saying everybody and dont take it personal please . What about pro coaches ? Sure basketball is stepping up now but its a hundred year old sport with black hall of famers . Football ? Baseball ? Just bringing it to the light ..... Houston we have a problem ..... The sad part is that the media played a huge part in supplying the smokescreen of inadequacy ... My son Eja is 11 ... He is a huge advocate of fairness and justice . Injustice pains him .... What about the Ejas of the world coming up ? What will we leave them ? To be continued ....
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 21:35:04 +0000

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