Barbara Green and her then friend Ruth Harrington met Bishop Seán - TopicsExpress


Barbara Green and her then friend Ruth Harrington met Bishop Seán Manchester by sheer chance at an open air carnival with charity events in South Herfordshire in May 1987. Bishop Seán Manchester was open to the idea, as put forward by Ruth Harrington, of his name being used on letterheadings by the Yorkshire Robin Hood Society for the purpose of the YRHS raising money for charity. He did not offer to participate or otherwise involve himself in the historical reconstruction or any other side of the YRHS. The second and last occasion Bishop Seán Manchester spoke to Mrs Green, still with Ruth Harrington but now joined by Laura Green, was in May 1988 at the same venue where the YRHS, as before, had a stall. On this occasion everyone was in medieval costume in keeping with the nature of the charitable event itself. A small amount of money was raised but it was the decision of the YRHS as to what happened to it. Barbara Green did not see Bishop Seán Manchester again after that meeting. An infrequent exchange of correspondence dwindled as members of the Yorkshire Robin Hood Society, which Bishop Manchester had no direct involvement in, left as others joined. Mrs Green became acquainted with David Farrant in the next decade, and this association with Mr Farrant brought about an immediate schism with Bishop Seán Manchester. There was barely any communication between Mrs Green and Bishop Manchester at that time. When Catherine Fearnley became acquainted with Mrs Green some time later, an attempt was made to relaunch the YRHS with Mr Farrant as its newly appointed ”patron” in February 2004, but it failed to attract a boost in membership despite a sensation-seeking stunt at a private grave organised by Mr Farrant who was briefly struck off as ”patron” three years later. He was then reinstated in April 2008. By the second and last occasion Mrs Green met Bishop Manchester in May 1988, she had already established a connection with John Russell Pope. Bishop Seán Manchester had previously been persuaded by Mr Pope that the former diabolist had put his satanic past behind him after meeting and marrying a young Roman Catholic called Natasha. This much is apparent in the bishop’s work From Satan To Christ which on page 26 states: “Pope by this time had retired from practical Satanism and now shunned involvement.” Bishop Seán Manchester gave Mr Pope the benefit of the doubt and even attended his wedding at St Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church in Highgate. It was short lived. By the time Mrs Green was arranging to meet Mr Pope, the latter had already returned to active diabolism. On his current website he describes himself as “a master of the black arts.” Bishop Manchester naturally informed Mrs Green about Mr Pope’s proclivity for the black arts. She accompanied Mr Pope in the rain on Hallowe’en in 2002 to a tomb on private land near where she lives. Candles were lit despite the rain and Mr Pope mumbled some sort of incantation. Mrs Green made her own separate contribution to the occasion. . Mr Pope attempting to raise a demon with Mr Farrant. Mrs Green produced the draft of a booklet called Secrets of the Grave in 1998, a copy of which she forwarded to Bishop Manchester. Mr Farrant’s and Mr Pope’s names appeared in her acknowledgements. The bishop felt he was ridiculed, misrepresented and parodied. Not surprisingly he made his displeasure known to Mrs Green who remained unapologetic for what she had done. Hence him feeling obliged to dissociate his name from Mrs Green and her activities. The booklet, when it was published, contained grotesque cartoons of the bishop that had been commissioned from the wife of Kevin Demant, an anarchist supporter of the illegal underground movement Class War. Mr Demant has assisted David Farrant in his longstanding hate campaign against Bishop Manchester. The following sarcasm reflected the new direction taken: “The incredible Seán Manchester ~ a legend in his own lifetime! Scourge of Satanists and all things diabolical! A fearless fighter against the dark forces of evil, the greatest living vampire slayer and exorcist of all time! An expert swordsman, sensational saxaphonist [sic] and best selling author, this modern day knight in shining armour was touched to compose his unforgettable musical tribute to the late lamented Princess Diana.” Mrs Green had been introduced to malicious propaganda produced by Mr Farrant via Miss Fearnley when the latter first became acquainted with Mrs Green who was now enmeshed in Mr Farrant’s small clique of misfits. For a while these two Yorkshire females disseminated and proliferated David Farrants propaganda against the bishop. When Miss Fearnley ended her relationship with Mr Farrant in June 2007, she ceased her hostility toward the Bishop Manchester until becoming acquainted with Anthony Hogg in 2010 when she temporarily reverted to defamation before realising that Mr Hogg is an internet troll. Mrs Green continued to harass the bishop on the internet even after joining the Roman Catholic Church with Catherine Fearnley in 2007, but eventually came to realise she had been manipulated by Mr Farra A pseudo-occult ritual after dark over a private grave with Mrs Green, Mr Medway, Mr Farrant and Miss Fearnley. Barbara Green and Catherine Fearnley were joined by David Farrant and Gareth Medway to participate in an occult ritual over a grave on private land at Kirklees Park Estate, West Yorkshire, on the evening of 20 April 2005. To bring another perspective to the matter from David Hepworth, who resides at Kirklees Park, addressing Barbara Green on a forum on 22 June 2005, two months after the witchcraft ceremony, we learn the following: . “You claim that the public scenario is one sided – you`re right, it is – at the moment in the YRHS` favour, because there has never been any real public press statements or programme content originating from Kirklees, but that is about to change. “What really surprises me, is that you, Barbara, were Sir John`s District Nurse (or an equivalent position) and were fully aware of how distressed Lady A was during his illness, and being a woman in a caring profession, would also be aware of the terrific sadness she had at his death and coping with life on her own afterwards. Even me as a mere male (in Calvins – you`re right!) was aware of that. Add to this the fact she had to put herself through a University agricultural course to come to terms with the running of the estate and had to bring it back to earning money and contemplate and discuss with the family the issues surrounding the sale of the old hall – all of which laid heavily on a woman in deep personal grief for the man she loved and still loves passionately. Yet in this time of great personal strain for her, you began your campaign relentlessly. This surely publicly demonstrates the kind of care that you had/have. Whether YRHS likes it or not, the entire Armytage family is behind her actions and no matter what you attempt, it will not move them. You got short enough shrift when you tried to rope Sir Martin into the equation – and having seen his reply, I know he left you on the doorstep for cold. As I have stated so many times – there have been many occasions that very detailed plans have almost been agreed to provide more access, but every time, without exception, have you routed the press/media again – and the time that you and your sidekick involved Ian Gomeche to taunt Lady A and me – you went too far, hence the police were brought in. Sadly before I was banned from your groups, Catherine had said rather too much – and like you, I kept copies. “There is much better access to the grave than there ever was and the biggest problem, as I have repeatedly explained is that there are no toilet or adequate parking provisions and the costs of such an infrastructure and prohibitive at the moment. Also any visits have to be accompanied for insurance purposes and so visits have to be booked in advance and must fit into diaries. Very few have ever been allowed to just arrive at the gates and have access. “I can assure you that I have taken innumerable people around this last year and it is planned that there will be more public walks, particularly when the Priory website is up and running later this year. “This will not be a success because of actions by the YRHS, but rather because of others` tireless work trying to correct problems that YRHS has caused and offering solutions that stack up every way round – thus facilitating better access. “The Kirklees estate is here to run as a commercial farming enterprise, which it does successfully. The owners for the last 440 years are still fully entitled to please themselves as to what they choose to do – it is their prerogative. “I somehow do not think you would take it quite so quietly if others were to form an anti-YRHS group with the sole purpose of organising public vigils and visits to yours and Catherine`s family`s garden. Based on your actions the group would of course be entitled to bring a number of interested friends on different occasions (as you did), a camera crew (to video the event(s) without permission and licence) and broadcast it all to the world (as I have no doubt Red Monkey Films Ltd think they are going to do – but then injunctions will be taken out to prevent their sale of the programme material to broadcasters globally, as will legal statements of what will happen to any broadcaster who does transmit any material showing the Kirklees estate or any building on it based on such materials in the possession of this company, their successors, licensees or agents. This remains copyright material that as far as Red Monkey are concerned still remains unlicensed and will remain so). “Based on your actions of course, the imagined anti-YRHS group would be able to create a range of distantly related websites and user-groups with all their evidence, their thoughts etc and provide your addresses, with location maps and parking provision – and of course they would be entitled to put on the web photographs of all your personal possessions that are able to be seen from outside the buildings. As a result of such action, it is likely (based on experiences at Kirklees as a result of your broadcasting) – that many other uninvited members of the public will see this as a golden opportunity to at other times and steal your property. But then, like you and your band, it wouldn`t be the group or its` leaders doing, but yours, based on your own actions and publicity stunts surrounding Kirklees. Perhaps you would like to have the damage done to your land, shrubs, privacy and property – you certainly advocate others doing it at Kirklees – maybe that would be your ultimate ‘kick’. “Perhaps all the above is what it will take to make you realise the full impact and imposition that your illegal activities bring about – and of course, based on yours and Catherine`s public postings, you will see nothing wrong in trespass on others` land – and so have opened the floodgates for others to trespass on yours – and when the matter goes to the police or courts, use your own evidence against you, particularly on the legal status of trespass. Of course, maybe your neighbours, because they are so close will complain about the chanting and invasion – that seems to be the only real difference. After all, you have all pushed yourselves to being legendary in your own lifetime, so the same rules apply – by your marketing and decisions you`ve made yourselves public property and media starlets. “All of the above demonstrates how one-sided this campaign of yours has been – in your favour – but of course no-one expects you people to see that. “As for Catherine [Fearnley] publicly saying she doesn`t give a damn and has no intention of taking any notice of the contents of Lady Armytage`s agent’s letter to her rescinding the permission to visit that was granted in 2002 – that also goes to prove the honour and integrity of you people. However, Lady Armytage and her lawyers are now in possession of that unwise outburst from Catherine, as well as copies of all other materials and it is up to them to take their chosen appropriate action. It seems a pity that Catherine forgets she was an innocent member of the public in 2002 who asked if she may visit the grave occasionally. It was granted in those innocent and fairy tale days that existed before her Gomeche, press and YRHS affiliations – it is she that has changed – and there are enough emails from her on my backups to prove how much she has changed, how many lies she has told – just based on the emails and recorded telephone conversations as proof – let alone her blatant fabulous tale to Wilby`s that you and she had fallen out – fortunately, that was able to be proved incorrect before it bore any fruit. I wonder why she said that? The only reason that anyone outside YRHS can understand, is because she knew that ties to YRHS that were the problem. “You continue to do your work, it will still be mocked at this end as it deserves – but since there are new mechanisms in place to fight you now, the future will prove interesting. Before you begin screaming that these mechanisms are my doing, you should realise that the entire family is closing ranks on a group of people apparently led by you two people, who have bullied, lied, tormented and tried to publicly humiliate a 70-odd year old widow for 25 years. They have had enough, and the things that remains surprising is that they have ignored you for so long – and ignore you they have. The bottom line is that YRHS can bring nothing into play that can fight the Armytage combined force. Particularly since the law is on the family’s side. “So if you want to bring about a curtailment of access to the grave to the wider public, then I would suggest you continue your quest and let the natural progress occur – but since we all know that you cannot give it up, the future will prove very interesting! “I also understand that although you have made open references to Discovery having contacted you, that the reality is that you chose to not reply to their email. I would hope that any future comments about YRHS not being asked to contribute will not be implied to have been due to the actions of others. I have the truth in writing from Discovery, but then, someone totally unrelated to the Kirklees estate, told them of yours and YRHS’ behaviour, and so you will not be invited to participate. It is likewise interesting that after your Radio Leeds programme that the BBC Leeds producers contacted Kirklees and asked for their side of the last 25 years. The tide is turning and the media are beginning to realise that what you have been saying is right – YOUR campaign has been one sided – all in your favour – the tides are turning.” . John Pope (left) during a demonic conjuration. . Barbara Green eventually replaced David Farrant with John Pope as patron of her Yorkshire Robin Hood Society. No real explanation was offered as to why Mr Farrant was dropped as her patron beyond it being due to pressure from his Highgate Vampire commitments, whatever that means. An alliance with Catherine Fearnley nevertheless appears to have occurred in the period preceding her announcement. There have been big changes to the Yorkshire Robin Hood Society recently, both in its constitution, membership, patronage and research projects. David has been informed privately of these matters, Mrs Green revealed on 8 November 2010. Four days later on 12 November 2010, Barbara Green declared: John Pope de Locksley has become the new patron of the Yorkshire Robin Hood Society. That John Pope still describes himself as a master of the black arts had no bearing on Mrs Greens decision: John makes an ideal patron for the society, which was founded in 1984 by Barbara Green and Ruth Harrington. as he has strong connections with Yorkshire, despite living in London where he runs the London Robin Hood Club and organizes Jack the Ripper walks. When Mr Pope became a Muslim in 2012, however, he, too, was dropped. Barbara Green alongside John Pope (far right), with Catherine Fearnley cuddling David Farrant. Barbara Green, who is older than David Farrant by three months, no longer has anything to do with the Muswell Hill miscreant and. like her friend Catherine Fearnley, regrets ever getting involved with him, Having broken all ties with Mr Farrant, plus seeing through the machinations of Anthony Hogg, the two Yorkshire females find themselves no longer in conflict with Bishop Seán Manchester. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook The Beginning Of The End Barbara Green Catherine Fearnley Catherine Fearnley Interview No. 2 Catherine Fearnley Interview No. 1 Claims And Communications Anthony Hogg
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 13:43:38 +0000

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