Barbourville and Lynn Camp Students Travel to Peru This summer - TopicsExpress


Barbourville and Lynn Camp Students Travel to Peru This summer 12 high school students from Barbourville and Lynn Camp traveled to Peru with the Appalachian Global Service Corps (AGSC) for a ten day service-immersion trip. While in the country, students built greenhouses, took language and weaving lessons, climbed to the top of Machu Picchu and fully immersed themselves in the Peruvian culture by living with local families. “I really loved seeing the similarities and differences of their culture and ours,” said Lynn Camp junior Andi Bennett. “I loved the whole experience! It was life changing and opened my eyes to so many things.” Students and teachers worked the entire school year to raise the thousands of dollars it would take to travel to the Latin American country. “Fundraising took up the majority of our time!” said Lynn Camp sophomore Laura Everly. “In the end, it was worth it because we went to a foreign country, an opportunity most people dont have. Plus, a lot of people gave us money even though they didnt have to; they believed in us when others said we couldnt do it.” Not only did students work hard to raise the money, they also worked hard to give back. Students spent several days building four greenhouses in the rural Andean village of Patacancha. The small town’s elevation makes growing anything but potatoes impossible without a greenhouse. Students worked side-by-side with townspeople to construct and plant the greenhouses. “It made a difference in my life knowing that I could make a difference in someone else’s life. We were able to complete four greenhouses that will help provide for several families for many years to come,” said Barbourville senior Marcus Todd. “Not only was it a rewarding experience through service, but it also gave us the chance to learn about the Peruvian way of life.” However, students didn’t spend all their time building. Students were housed by the families they worked with and after the construction day was over, students spent the evening eating dinner with their host family or playing games with their host siblings. “Meeting and bonding with the families whom we were building for was a pleasure, and everyone was kind and remarkably hardworking,” said Barbourville junior Kristen Pedersen. “I, personally, bonded most with my host-father. He was one of the most thoughtful people I have ever met, and I will never forget my time with him and the rest of my host-family.” Students also found time to learn textile and basket weaving from local artisans, tour the ancient Incan ruins of Machu Picchu, hike through salt mines and visit local schools. “My favorite part of the trip was seeing the salt mines, or Salineras!” said Lynn Camp senior Destiny Hill. “They were so breathtaking and we got the chance to actually see a family harvesting their salt! The whole process was mind blowing.” The Appalachian Global Service Corps was founded by former Lynn Camp Spanish teacher Alexandre Smith and former Barbourville Spanish teacher Stephanie Tanner to give students the opportunity to travel, learn and serve. “Through the organization we hope to empower students to serve overseas so they can develop into powerful leaders and advocates for the community and the world,” said Smith. This is AGSC’s second trip and the organization hopes to give more students opportunities to see the world through continued expeditions to Spanish-speaking countries. “At Lynn Camp we make our students, and a commitment to service, the focus and AGSC does that,” said Lynn Camp principal Anthony Pennington. “The students met every challenge they faced and excelled through teamwork while on this trip. We want our students to have the best experiences while giving back to others. Our schools and this program have no boundaries.” ### FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information on the trip, visit AGSC’s website: appalachianglobalservicecorps.wordpress Contact: Leah Stoner [email protected] 717-598-7972 PHOTO CAPTIONS 1 – Barbourville freshman Emily Deaton works with a woman from Patacancha to weave her own textile. 2 – Students and advisors in front of the salt mines of Ollantaytambo. 3 – Lynn Camp sophomores Tiana Simpson and Andi Bennett weave a basket. 4 – Students in front of Machu Picchu. 5 – Lynn Camp students Heather Wilson and Andi Bennett work with a citizen from Patacancha to build a greenhouse. 6 – Students and advisors pose in front of a newly finished greenhouse with the structure’s new owners. First row (L to R): Andi Bennett, Kristen Pedersen, Stephanie Tanner, Alexandre Smith, Stephen Everly, Leah Stoner; Back Row (L to R): Destiny Hill, Tiana Simpson, Madison Mills, Lauren Pedersen, Monica Smith, Laura Everly, Heather Wilson, Emily Deaton, Rhea Carter, Marcus Todd.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 17:10:08 +0000

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