Bardzo chlodne stosunki pomiedzy Afganistanem a USA. Rekordowa - TopicsExpress


Bardzo chlodne stosunki pomiedzy Afganistanem a USA. Rekordowa produkcja nartokyku OPIUM. To po co ta wojna byla? Tysiace zabitych zolniezy Armi USA i setki tysiecy Afganczykow. Tryliony Dolarrow podatnika USA zmarnowane. OK 45 zolnierzy Polskiej Armii tez ginelo. Po co I za co? The Obama administration is considering a quick ‘zero option’ withdrawal from Afghanistan after relations with the Karzai administration have degraded to a record low, the NYT reports. With no US troops left, Kabul would be left to face the Taliban alone. Stern words between the American and Afghan presidents during a videoconference arranged to ease tensions between the countries could bring painful consequences. For the first time ever Karzai has dared to accuse Obama to his face of conducting an unfair game. The videoconference was organized on June 27 to get the parties’ positions closer on the matter of Taliban contacts and troop withdrawals, but the talks ended in a bad way, the New York Times reported, referring to American and European sources. According to the paper’s sources among both American and Afghan officials, Karzai accused Washington of leaving its ally all alone against its enemies - the Taliban and its sponsors in Pakistan - while US diplomats attempt to negotiate safe withdrawal of the US troops from Afghanistan. Talking to his compatriots, Karzai has already voiced such accusations before, saying that talks in Doha gave Taliban insurgents a legitimacy they have not deserved, but this time something forced him to be brutally honest with the American president. In response, Obama pointed out to Karzai that American soldiers have been paying with their lives to prop up the regime in the country. Apparently the tete-a-tete may also have forced the American leader to change his mind on the timing of a pullout from Afghanistan. Last month Washington started separate negotiations with Taliban in Doha, Qatar, a move Kabul regards as betrayal. Once the Karzai administration learnt about the separate talks in Doha, it immediately ended negotiations with the US over keeping some US troops in Afghanistan after official withdrawal by the end of 2014. Karzai stressed there will be no talks until Taliban representatives contact Kabul directly, which may put the Americans in a position when they have to organize talks between Karzai and the Taliban. "As long as the peace process is not Afghan-led, the High Peace Council will not participate in the talks in Qatar," Karzai said in a statement in June, referring to a government body he created in 2010 to seek a negotiated peace with the Taliban.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 00:16:19 +0000

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