Barelwi Dance Rituals, Prostrations (Sujud) to Tahir Al-Qadri and - TopicsExpress


Barelwi Dance Rituals, Prostrations (Sujud) to Tahir Al-Qadri and the View of the Hanafi Jurists on Prostration to Other Than Allaah Prostration is from the greatest of forms of worship and is due only to Allaah alone, and after the Shari’ah of Islam was revealed, what was permitted in previous nations (of prostration of respect and welcome greeting) was prohibited and declared unlawful, and the Scholars of Islam explain it to be major shirk when offered to other than Allaah. In the Barelwi folk-religion, prostration to their pirs, walis and others in whom a belief of guaranteed intercession is held, is common and encouraged. We have here a video clip (we cannot show it as it has music and dancing) and in a period of less than four minutes, we see six devotees making sujud at the feet of Tahir al-Qadri, a leading figure in the Barelwi folklore religion. Let us take a look at these prostrations: Read the Full Article with Pictures here : barelwis/articles/wrkpssd-barelwi-dance-rituals-and-prostrations-sujud-to-tahir-al-qadri.cfm Watch the Video ( Mute the sound as it is full of music with dancing)
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 17:41:33 +0000

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