Barotseland Must Be Recognized By All Countries of the World - - TopicsExpress


Barotseland Must Be Recognized By All Countries of the World - Linyungandambo 1. Barotseland entered into Agreement with Britain in 1890 (fact). 2. Barotseland was a British Protectorate in 1891 (fact). 3. The boundary of Barotseland was determined, defined and respected by the colonialists in 1890s (fact). 4. The colonial administrator Robert T. Coryndon was given instructions written down when he came down to Barotseland that he was not sent to rule Barotseland, but he was a visible symbol of friendship with Britain and the protection of Britain over Barotseland became a reality in 1898 (fact). 5. Barotseland was more-closer to Botswana than it was to people from Mbeha or Katete; as the Barotzish King Yeta III one time lived at Pandamatenga (fact). 6. To prove that Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) was a colony, whites built Fortes in that territory; Forts are garrisons (fact). 7. No Fort was built in Barotseland; in fact chiefs in Nyasaland and Rhodesia were shot at and killed when they tried to resist white rule. Such a horrible thing did not take place in Barotseland (fact). 8. When Northern Rhodesia wanted to be free from white colonialists, they formed cha-cha-cha movement; there was no such a thing in Barotseland (fact). 9. In 1964 Zambia thought they would steal Barotseland; but to protect Barotseland from being stolen, the Barotseland Agreement was made and concluded in May 1964 with the purpose to establish a loose connection with Zambia (fact). 10. The purpose of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 was to take the place of the treaties which subsisted between Barotseland and Britain (fact). N. B. no treaty with Britain surrendered Barotseland soil to the British and no treaty with Britain deprived Barotseland of her sovereignty; neither did the Barotzis sign an agreement with Zambia to give away their sovereignty. If Barotseland did not give away its sovereignty to Zambia, then Barotseland still has its sovereignty in place. Barotseland has a Head of State His Majesty King Lubosi Imwiko II, Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Afumba Mombotwa and his Government, and a Legislative Council (parliament) formed in line with the International law; all these are facts. 11. In July, 18th of 1964, Mr. Eldridge Secretary to the Cabinet released a circular to those who would have the privilege to have portfolios in Zambia and stated that: “the relationship of Barotseland with Britain was regulated by Agreements.” Thus the same thing would apply to the Barotseland Agreement 1964. For this reason they were warned not to interfere with the affairs of Barotseland (fact). 12. In this case it was not by coincidence that on 6th August, 1964 when Mr. Kaunda travelled to Lealui the King’s Capital and assured the Litunga in the presence of his council as follows: “I assure you Sir Mwanawina III that the Government (Zambia) has no wish to interfere in the day to day running of the Barotse Government, the Government has no wish to interfere in the internal affairs of Barotseland.” 13. Who, if not the Zambian Government, has been interfering in the internal affairs of Barotseland? Or should we believe it’s the Zambia Police? NB. It is provided in the Barotseland Agreement 1964 that “the Government of the Republic of Zambia has to ensure that the laws of the Republic of Zambia are not inconsistence with the provisions of this agreement.” What could be the meaning of that? It means that the agreement is the regulator. For those who are familiar with electronics know that if a regulator component is removed, then the appliance is exposed to danger and it can be blown off. 14. Now have the laws of Zambia been consistent with the provisions of the agreement? A big NO!! 15. The other provision in the agreement state as follows: “the Litunga (King) acting in consultation with his council shall be empowered to make laws for Barotseland.” Where are laws made by the Litunga in Barotseland? Is there any sensible Judge, lawyer or policeman in Zambia who can cite for us or show us were those laws are? Question: these Police Officers who are hell bent on victimizing the Barotzis, whose laws are they applying in dealing with Barotseland? Are they using the same Zambian laws which are already inconsistent with the provisions of the Barotseland Agreement 1964? How did Zambia take an upper hand over Barotseland? Is it not just by mere politicking and use of Police Force? Is there any legislation in Zambia suggesting that Barotseland shall cease to exist? Is there any legislation that suggests that Barotseland is part of Zambia? Is there any legislation that suggests that Barotzis are Zambians? If Barotseland re-establishes her own state, who say they should not and for what convincing reason? Zambia has a record of not respecting her own laws coming from her parliament and now it has gone further not to respect the international law and the world is just watching!! 16. The Agreement of 1964 that established relationship between Barotseland and Zambia was revoked by the Zambian Parliament right from the beginning; since 1965 Zambia has been administering Barotseland without law giving them the authority to do so (black on black colonization). However, Zambia is using her local courts, military force, ignorance and hatred to harass people even declaring war and killing the people of Barotseland. Surely SADC and AU could go into deep slumber on the issue of such magnitude while people are being smothered to death in their region despite of having the matter reported to them officially!! Zambian cannot continue to colonize and force Barotseland to be part of it, just like Malawi could not force Mr. Kaunda to be Malawian (fact). - See more at: barotsepost/index.php/en/frontnews/local-news/877-barotseland-must-be-recognized-by-all-countries-of-the-world-linyungandambo#sthash.GfulYOC3.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 17:35:45 +0000

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