Barrack Obama is speaking about dismantling our military down to - TopicsExpress


Barrack Obama is speaking about dismantling our military down to pre WWII levels. This is tantamount to destroying the United States. Obama has turned this nation into a laughing stock and this is a very dangerous predicament indeed. Not only does the rest of the world think that we are paper tigers, we actually are. The sad thing is, I have not heard a peep out of anyone on the political scene who is defending the honor of these United States but instead, their silence speaks loudly about just how weak our nation is. As most of you know I have told all of you that I would not involve the United States in any foreign entanglements unless there wax a direct threat to the security of this nation. Putin has stoked the embers of the Cold War and there is nobody on the political scene who will uphold the security of our beloved nation. Putin is wetting his pants out of laughter because of Barrack Obama. Obama is a coward who has no business playing in the sandbox with the giants of the world scene. If I were President Putin would be soiling his pants for even having the idea of invading the Crimea. What I am afraid of is a false flag incident in order for Obama to declare martial law. Should this happen I will stand before you as a general because our republic and nation will no longer exist. Every American owes its allegiance to the continuance of these United States and to protect it from all enemies foreign and domestic. Dont let yourself be fooled. Obama is working with nations hostile to democracy, liberty and freedom. We must not allow this.THERE IS NOBODY BUT MYSELF, ON THE POLITICAL HORIZON WHO WILL DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION THE WAY I WILL. I must have your support if I am to lead us out of the valley of the shadow of death otherwise this great experiment in liberty and freedom will be a complete and utter failure. This is why I am asking you to vet me. Once you do that you will see that I am the man who will restore our country with help from God loving patriots. The decision is yours. Stick with the crooked career politician and mark my words, you will see the death of this country. Help me and within a couple of years you will see a complete and total transformation of a quasi socialist nation back into the great representative Republic this nation became. Be sure to check out my official campaign site at dummett2016 or of course here on Facebook. But whatever you do, now is not the time to sit on your behind doing nothing hoping things will get better on their own because the wont. I need supporters and volunteers. Spread the word around. Tell your family and friends about me. I swear to God Almighty not to let this nation down. You do your part and I will do my own. Good luck and may God shed his grace upon this great nation.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 04:01:18 +0000

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