Barrack Obama you amaze me. In a bad way. Today I will tell you - TopicsExpress


Barrack Obama you amaze me. In a bad way. Today I will tell you what I thought about Obamas speech... You might want to sit down for this one. I watched president Obamas D-Day speech and thought it was a good speech. The President is really good with words. He knows how to use the proper inflection in his voice to convey pride, and love of country. Yes Mr Obama knows how to stand up and look like he really cares about the topic he is speaking on. Yes I would agree that he gives a good speech. The problem is he may just be the most disingenuous man to ever set foot in the White House. As I watched him give his speech I could only think about the aged stoic faces of the men that set behind him . Those men of glory whos dwindling numbers will soon make them legends of old. Those veterans who served this nation so gallantly. In thinking of them and seeing him stand before them I wondered, how many veterans have died while waiting for months to see a Dr? How many of those saviors of freedom were forced to cling to life hoping that the veterans administration would approve of a life saving surgery, only to die waiting. I looked at the young men and women who are serving in our Armed Forces today who were there and wondered what will happen to them? I thought about the recent veterans administration scandal where this administration has time and time again demonstrated a blatant betrayal of its heroes. It seems at every turn this administration is hell bent on stealing what honor has earned only to hand it to a shameful selfish few who do nothing but take from this nation. It is true that veterans wait for months for test that could save their lives. While millions of illegal immigrants, welfare recipients and lazy ingrates can walk into any Hosptial and immediately receive the very test and help that the veterans are denied. While the president spoke I watched. I began to get angry because I know that his words lost meaning the moment they left his lips. I stirred in indignation at his claims to be grateful for the service of those veterans, all veterans because he demonstrated at every opportunity that he is not compelled to honor in deed those whom he honors in words. Our president has recently said that we do not leave our soldiers behind that sounds like an American principle I can be proud of but then I recall Benghazi. The president says that the military is the best hope for freedom and honor yet he forces, by the power if his pen, his political agenda upon them by removing dont ask dont tell disregarding the will of the people and the better judgement of the generals and admirals that lead our military. He cast aside the long held belief that it is the Men of our nation that proudly bear the burden of battle and again by his pen, opens the way for the women of this nation to be the next ones forced to charge into the gauntlet of battle. If you believe this is good I would ask you to envision half of the bodies that fell on the beaches of Normandy as women. Agree or not the people did not choose. He decided. He said that America will always be the defenders of liberty and yet he wrest if from the very people who make this freedom possible. As those frail and fragile men sat in wheelchairs and watched him with dimming eyes I wondered how he could tell the world that he is proud of those men when he himself is their greatest adversary. In his words he sounds sorrowful that their number are fast diminishing. However In his actions he says let them die. They are of no use and offers the useless and ungrateful the benefits that were earned by all veterans. Let me be clear. A veteran is a person who at one point in his life wrote a check to the government. The amount of that check was all and everything that each veteran aspired to be. All he has and would ever have. The check is to be cashed at any time once signed. For this they are promised by this nation to be cared for when they leave service. More than 1.3 million of these checks have been cashed by the government of the United States and that number grows daily. How is this repaid? Poorly and shamefully. This president spoke before the world and yet the veterans of this nation heard nothing. I say this because actions are louder then words. Let me ask you a question. Imagine that there are few men who have taken a building by force and I now are hold up in it. The tenants of that building are being raped beaten enslaved and murdered. What would I have to give you in order to get you to pick up a gun and charge into that building? How much would I have to pay you to risk your life your future and everything you have in order to run into that building, face the unknown, and perhaps sacrifice your life in the attempt to free the tenants of that building? If I gave you breakfast lunch and dinner would you run into that building? How about if I gave you a couple of T-shirts a couple pair pants and a couple of shirts. Heck Ill even throw in some socks and shoes would you charge into that building then? Okay Ill tell you what Ill even pay you a little less than what youre getting paid currently on your job. Would you charge into that building then? Okay youre driving a really hard bargain. Would you go if I gave you a gun and a ride to the building? How about if I promised to give you a nice funeral and tombstone if you were killed. Ill even throw in a nice flag to cover your coffin and present it to your grieving family. Think about it what would you charge me in order for me to get you to run into that building? Is there a price? Would you run into that building to save those families for any price. You see that is exactly what the brave men and women who serve in our military have done. They have agreed to do just that. To run into harms way to protect and defend this nation and its freedoms. Many come home scared, broken, with dreams filled with nightmares only to be left to lament their days and beg their government to keep its promise. In fact I would go one step further and say that this nations businesss pretend to honor the military but they pull a bait and switch. They play 3 card Monty with veterans and smile. Many business offer a military discount. They offer this to active, reserve and retired members of the military. Which amounts to about 14% of the actual military contingent around them. They belatedly disregard the veteran. Yet it is the veteran that paid the price. The defended and then went home. They were wounded and served with distinction and are cast aside as less then those who serve today. I say we are the same. We are a band of brothers because if you serve in our military you will be, must be, a veteran. So let us keep watch. I will ask if a store has a military discount. If the answer is yes then I request it as a veteran. If I am denied this benefit I abandon my merchandise where it sits and leave. I will not be told that I am less then my brother and will not allow one to tell me my brother is less then I. So please starting today. Stand and be counted. Demand that the government keep its promises. Allow the vets to use any Hosptial as you would a shiftless lazy ingrate who only takes and never serves. We have heard that America does not leave its soldiers behind. I disagree because this presidents administration and the VA leaves them behind every single day if the week. Please leave a comment I would love to hear your thoughts Jerry Figueroa As always please share and feel free to join me as a friend.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 02:13:41 +0000

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