Barriers One of the most powerful barriers that traps us is OUR - TopicsExpress


Barriers One of the most powerful barriers that traps us is OUR OWN THINKING! Its easy for us to latch on to the logic of it. Over the years, we have really done a great job making the list that reinforces our beliefs. You will build your life to the height of your most limiting belief. It is your choice to change that conversation. The pay off to having those negative conversations is that we get to rationalize mediocrity and give ourselves permission to being stuck. But there is also a payoff to replacing those conversations with powerful, POSITIVE conversations, and that is reaping double! When you forgive someone who did you wrong, get ready for double. Its not easy, but its worth it. Negative self talk is like a garden full of weeds. Its easy to not pull the weeds, aerate the ground, fertilize, water, plant the flowers. Its hard to do the other things! Its OK. If you do all those things, you end up with a beautiful garden for you and everyone you come in contact with to enjoy. (Thats an analogy by Joyce Mayer.) Victory is in your future because you were made in the likeness and image of God. Are you surrounded by people who are rationalizing mediocrity? Are you surrounded by people who constantly make excuses? Birds of a feather flock together. You need to take inventory. You need to be around people who are victorious. You need to have the mindset of a victor, and the only way to do that is to leave the past in the past; rip up the list of the excuses and replace it with a list of accomplishments. At the convention, Dr. Steve Taubman talked about affirmations. Before affirmations work to their full potential, you have to get rid of the negative speak, and he showed us how to do that. Once the negative speak is gone, it opens up your subconscious mind to the positive affirmations. When we have the right attitude, we are set up to receive that double that God promised. Quit relying on people to give you what you need. Quit looking around and start looking up. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus told Scout not to judge someone until you climb into their skin and walk around in it for a while. Maybe you feel like your parents didnt do something right. Consider that they gave you all they had to give, all they were equipped to give. Remember when the poor widow gave less than a penny to the church, and Christ said that she has given more than everyone else combined. Maybe whoever failed you gave all that they had to give. What a gift! They gave you EVERYTHING THEY HAD TO GIVE!! Consider the circumstances. We all fail people, but do we do it on purpose? No! We fail people with the best intentions. The next time someone fails you, consider the intention. Also remember that nothing has any meaning until we assign meaning to it. BE powerful in your thinking. Assign a positive meaning to all situations. Have fun with it! Have a God-filled, glorious day!!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 14:40:36 +0000

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