Bartow is hosting a multicultural panel discussion today from 6 to - TopicsExpress


Bartow is hosting a multicultural panel discussion today from 6 to 7:30 pm @ the Bartow Library. This is very interesting since I was involved in multicultural brand marketing for a many years and still do consulting on occasion. A few days ago a 15 year-old black kid spread some Fabreze air freshener in his room and a 14 year-old white kid said, “Wow Junior, you got the room smelling like fried chicken, watermelon and grape Kool-Aid all at the same time”. My initial response was WTF he just said. I called Junior and asked him what did Billy Bob say and he looked at me with that deer in the head lights look, ‘uh duh’. Youngster didn’t have a clue. I called Billy Bob and asked him to repeat what he said, he being culturally aware and slick, “what, what I said Mr. C?’ I didn’t know who to be more pissed with, Junior for not knowing that Billy Bob just called him a ‘fried chicken, watermelon eating and grape Kool-Aid drinking n-word or Billy Bob for making the comment. Folks, cant it be stressful at times just being Black? Some of these young people are totally oblivious of the struggle, and if left up to them Black folk will be back in slavery by 2040. Then again, you can’t be too damn zealous. My 2-year old daughter is the only Black kid in her class and her mom is extremely sensitive. She told me recently that she didn’t like the dry response of the teacher when Micaelyn entered the class all enthusiastic. This teacher doesn’t have a clue that she is walking on egg shells. I want to take Micaelyn to Lowry Park Zoo, but I’m afraid because I know she will go back to school and imitate the primates. Then she will go home, tell her mom that this young 25 year-old white teacher made a fatal mistake, ‘’mommy, Miss Courtney told me to stop acting like a monkey.’ The story will be on Bay News 9 and CNN for days how this disgruntled mom entered a Florida school and whipped this young teacher’s ass unmercifully. At times white folk just don’t have a clue. They don’t know when a black mom enters a school with her wig turned sideways; wearing a house coat and slippers it’s a code red. All the Black staff know ish about to hit the fan. They don’t know when a Latino parent who speaks perfect English, enters the office speaking Spanish and hands flailing, its trouble. Folks better get a clue.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 16:44:24 +0000

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