Basalt or Lava Rock, Snakeskin Agate & Onyx Gemstone Bracelet For - TopicsExpress


Basalt or Lava Rock, Snakeskin Agate & Onyx Gemstone Bracelet For Sale @ Bahrain Dinars 15. This bracelet is made from high grade & genuine gemstones & strung on elastic thread. Free delivery within Bahrain and we ship by Registered or EMS Post Office within GCC & across the globe. The smoothness of the Onyx combined with the texture of Lava seems to be a crowd favorite. Its no wonder, the way they look and feel together is really amazing. It takes Courage and Strength (Lava Rock) to aid in defending yourself and your loved ones against negativity (Onyx) while calming you down (snakeskin). Perhaps that is another reason why people love this combo. ...This Christmas...Gemstones are delightful to give or receive as gifts. They are mother natures natural healers. Gifting someone with a crystal is the same as offering a healing. Giving yourself a gemstone is a form of self-healing... Gemstones has healing properties that can be tapped into a variety of ways. Gemstones are keys which can be used to unlock your potential. Their energies can calm anxieties and infuse the body with healing energies. By wearing this particular stone, you are inviting its energy into your life. Black onyx is one of the most unique and powerful stones. It is best known for its protective qualities, but can be used to help enhance determination, deflect negative energies and increase self-confidence and the ability to multitask. Black onyx is also a grounding stone which is valuable in difficult or confusing times. Wearing black onyx can help keep ones mind focused and increase productivity and determination. It is an excellent stone to help heal a broken heart or release attachments to people, places or things. It is said to be helpful in overcoming a past relationship or an unwanted form of love towards somebody. It helps to smooth the ‘roller coaster of emotions’ we all face at times. A great aid for letting go or releasing past attachments to people, places, things, bad habits and even addictions. This is sometimes known as the sobriety stone. It is frequently recommended for people who have lost a job or recently experienced some type of breakup or ending. Because of its power of assisting in letting go it is wonderful to have around if going through a break up or divorce. It is also great for keeping negative people away from you and out of your life. Black onyx can also make one more receptive to change and help release old patterns and beliefs that may prevent goals from being reached. Onyx will help you gain emotional balance, strength and self-control; very powerful when you need help moving through a lesson or task. Onyx brings change into our lives by helping us to realize and see patterns or old beliefs that no longer serve us and provides us with the strength to change them. Black onyx is an excellent stone to wear to protect from negative energies and provide strength during difficult times. The energies of black onyx are said to repel negative energy from other peoples emotions and thoughts. In ancient times it was worn to protect the wearer from the evil eye or jealousy of others. Today, black onyx can be worn to help end unhealthy emotional attachments and help release negative thoughts which may be blocking emotional healing. Its protective vibrations work to reduce fear and worry and can keep one centered and grounded during difficult times. On a physical level, black onyx can be used to heal skin disorders such as sunburn, psoriasis or poison ivy. Simply soak an onyx stone in a cup of water for at least twelve hours and then dab the water on the body in the area where the skin problems are occurring. Black onyx has the unique ability to absorb energies emitted from other crystals, making it more powerful over time. It is one of the few crystals which can be used with other stones to enhance their healing abilities. Basalt is an igneous volcanic rock that is basically molten lava that has solidified under intense heat and pressure. Basalt can be any color from grey to black. Basalt is also known as Lava Rock. Since basalt is formed from molten lava, and molten lava was once rock that is heated so much it was liquid, you can only imagine the strength, fire and power contained within basalt! Basalt is also known as lava rock. Basalt is a stone of strength and courage, it allows one the opportunity for stability throughout changes in their life. If you are going through a lot of shifts in your life then basalt would be a helpful stone for you. Basalt helps to diminish the negative aspects of one’s character and allow us one to see where modification of your character can be helpful. Since basalt was once molten lava, it has the power of fire within. One drawn to basalt may need some fire her energy into their life. Snakeskin Agate offers an invigorating energy that supports the release or letting-go phase of transformation. On the one hand, it offers vitality and an increased awareness of the role our bodies play in the shifting into something new. Yet its most important property is allowing old (no longer needed) emotions to surface so they can be released. An important aspect of this particular phase of transformation is the realization that the reason we are experiencing the shift, is due to our personal growth. What used to fit, no longer does. Because Snakeskin Agate works with the Emotional Energy Body, it can feel emotionally very calming. The shift may not be any easier, as this usually implies making changes, doing something different or something new—however, it will assist it making these changes seem more aligned with where you currently are or where you see yourself being in the near future. You may also experience a deeper connection with your body as you feel the need to shake off the remaining debris from whatever you are releasing. This is an ideal time to look for physical activity that has you “work up a sweat” or has a lot of movement. When you can make the connection between the emotional and physical release, you create muscle memory that is easy to tap into as you move forward. If you begin to feel like you are being drawn back into old ways of doing things, the physical activity you have associated with the transformation will offer a potent talisman or reminder of what you are moving toward and what you are moving away from. Snakeskin Agate offers a great reminder of the cycles of life, the layers of change and of our own multi-dimensionality. We all have aspects of ourselves that influence how we respond to various situations. Inner Child, Tenacious Teenager, Inner Critic, Warrior, are just a few examples of the aspects of self that assist us in navigating life. When these aspects are in balance and are honored for their role in our lives, it is easier to find our personal center—our position of strength. When we rely to heavily on one or two of them, our view becomes skewed. Snakeskin Agate assists us with seeing ourselves with more clarity and allowing more tolerance for our humanness! This unusual agate resembles the skin of a snake in appearance. Its energies promote strength in times of excessive activity. It also encourages a pleasant personality by providing inner peace and an appreciation for the simple joy of being alive. As a result, users of snakeskin agate experience increased cheerfulness and self love as well as a renewed love of life. • Create invisibility by becoming lost in a crowd • Assist in the reduction of worrying • Promote self esteem and self-awareness • Finding lost items It has been used to initiate the rise of the kundalini (the feminine, dynamic, energetic and creative aspect of the universe from which all form is born). Agate is probably the most worn gemstone in the world. For every day stress situations, it can handle things very well. It absorbs the energy aimed at you, the perfect Guard Dog stone. And for serious risk, then do wear it. Even on days when you’re feeling a bit vulnerable or not up to the task of defending yourself, Agate can be your partner to bring up its shield to give you that confidence and standing in your core that you seek. There’s a reason why Agates (and Jasper) are the most plentiful stones on this planet. They were put here by Mom Earth for us to use on days when we feel like we need our guardian angel a little closer than usual…. Agate works to protect all the chakras and is more concerned with the Etheric field of our astral body as well as our physical body. It is an androgynous gemstone, possessing both male and female energies that are combined and working like a good team with one another. It can often help a person who is “stuck” in either their male side (right side of our body) or the female side (left side of our body). It’s great skill is in ABSORBING negative or ‘heavy’ energy from the surrounding environment so it does not harm the wearer. You will frequently see an Agate losing color if you are putting yourself in harm’s way all the time. If the Agate bracelet you are wearing is leaching color and you don’t know why–check it out. You are placing yourself in a risky position (insofar as the stone’s spirits are concerned) and they are constantly absorbing this energy upon your behalf. Symbolically, you can see Agate as a good team in a work horse harness with you. It will guard and protect you even at the expense of it (or all)the lives of the spirits of the Agate that you wear. It is slow, steady, reliable and considered “strong” medicine by many. And when you look at the BANDS on the Agate, consider them BOUNDARIES of protection that they are putting up for you to keep you healthy, stress free and out of the negative energy of danger. In general, agates are said to tone and strengthen the mind. Agate is good protective stone. It also can help strengthen the body and the bodys connection to the earth. It can also lessen feelings of envy by grounding the emotions. Agate balances the physical, emotional and intellectual bodies, and balances and cleanses aura. Agate is known to stimulate analytical abilities and perception, while eliminating negativity. They are useful in removing envy and easing stressful situations. Though it is considered grounding, this stone also provides a sense of strength, self-confidence, and courage. Using this gemstone will allow you to ferret out the truth and accept circumstances as they are. Agate allows you to reach a better physical and emotional balance and is also a powerful healer which aids the digestive system, the blood, skin, and intestinal tract. It also sharpens your sight, benefits your mind, and aids your eloquence. When working with chakras, use the color of the stone as your guide. Agates are also said to inspire fidelity. Whether used as healing amulets or simple ornamentation, the use of agates was wide spread in the ancient world. Dating back to ancient Babylon and Egypt and continued in Greece, its use was also wide-spread throughout Africa, the Middle East, and Russia. Often used in addition to other stones, this was to strengthen and make sure of the success of the other stone. It was believed that agates could protect their owners from danger and children from falling. Early physicians used them for abdominal pains. Not only healthful for its bearer, this stone may also strengthen eyesight and relieve thirst and benefit your plants if you wear it while gardening. Agate is excellent for balancing emotional, physical and intellectual energy, and in harmonizing yin and yang, the positive and negative forces of the universe. Agate promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is a great crystal to use during pregnancy. Agate also helps new mothers avoid the baby blues sometimes experienced after giving birth, and an Agate jewel worn between the breasts encourages lactation. As a professional support stone, Agate stabilizes the imagination and inspiration of artists, provides personal security for police, telephone workers, cooks, chefs and bakers, and protection from falling objects for builders and construction workers. It provides physical strength and endurance for dancers, dentists, and environmentalists, and emotional endurance for educators and recreational workers. Agate enhances mental function by improving concentration, perception, and analytical abilities. Placed on the abdomen or used as an elixir, Agate stimulates the digestive system and relieves gastritis. It is beneficial for the eyes, hollow organs such as the stomach, uterus, intestines, etc., and heals skin disorders and itching due to insect bites. Agate is helpful to the heart and blood vessels. Wearing an Agate in the middle of the chest strengthens the cardiac muscle, and heals emotional disharmony that prevents acceptance of love. A cold Agate placed on the forehead is generally effective in curing fever. (If the fever returns, however, consult a doctor.) Agate may also reduce the symptoms of epilepsy, and for some people guards against sleepwalking. Agate encourages a sense of reality and pragmatic thinking. Agates with regular designs soothe those who desire peace and harmony, while those with irregular designs can stimulate action and important decision making. Agate is beneficial in self-analysis and uncovering hidden circumstances that might interfere with well-being. It promotes self-acceptance and confidence, encouraging the speaking of ones own truth. Agate overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. It is useful for any kind of trauma. Crystal properties are listed for information purposes only and are not intended to replace medical treatment. Always consult a physician for proper medical treatment.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 16:21:49 +0000

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