Base your faith on what the word says Faith is involved in - TopicsExpress


Base your faith on what the word says Faith is involved in exercising your spiritual authority. You must base your faith on what the Word says, not on circumstances. When circumstances do not change immediately, some people become discouraged and begin to speak doubt and unbelief. This only gives the devil dominion over their words, which ultimately defeat them. Don’t hand over your authority to Satan through your words. Instead, break the power of the devil by walking in your authority! It is very easy to hand over your authority back to Satan. Remember that you already have the authority (Luke 10:19), but it is easy to loose this authority. You can only loose this authority by lack of faith in God’s word and by your confession. When you start saying things like, “Why am I going through this?” or “I don’t deserve to go through this.” You are blaming God for what is happening in your life which is lack of faith. You have to stop listening to all those challenges. Instead, tune into the Word that says wealth and riches shall be in your house (Psalm 112:3). Instead of questioning the legitimacy of God’s Word, take authority over your situation and claim what is rightfully yours! Walking in the Spirit is what defeats the flesh; so don’t allow your present circumstances to move you off of the promises of God. Keep your thinking in line with the Word and stake your claim to the wealth and healing that belong to you. Settle in your mind that no one can prosper, heal and deliver you like God. He is the Most High God, and He has only good things in store for you. Ask God for wisdom for your specific situation, and then praise Him for the answer. Make the decision to stand on the Word, and don’t move off of it until you receive what you are standing for!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 07:59:50 +0000

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