Based comments to a recent picture we posted on WU&RA, perhaps it - TopicsExpress


Based comments to a recent picture we posted on WU&RA, perhaps it would be prudent for me to inform those who are not "long-term" readers of my past and experiences with Ronald Reagan. And let me start by saying this is NOT a commentary open to argument or interpretation. It IS something I believe with every fiber of my being, so if you agree, comment away. This is probably the ONLY time I will EVER say this, but……if you DON’T AGREE? KEEP YOUR COMMENTS TO YOURSELF FOR I WILL DELETE THEM. Sorry, this IS a Benevolent Dictatorship, from which you ARE free to leave at your whim. In 1979 I was assigned to the military HQ for NATO, known as Supreme HQ Allied Powers Europe, or SHAPE. And no, it is NOT anything even remotely to what is portrayed in Private Benjamin. I worked, as a non-commissioned officer, with officers of all ranks from all members of the NATO Alliance, from Lieutenants to 2-star Generals. I worked in the Procurement Section of the Communications and Electronics Division, responsible for purchasing ALL communications equipment of ANY kind for the entire Alliance. When I arrived, Peanut-boy was president. I had just left an America with 15% inflation, blocks long lines to get gasoline IF it was available, and energy prices soaring faster than the inflation rate. The U.S. Embassy in Tehran had been overrun by “students” protesting that Peanut-boy had allowed a dying Shah to receive cancer treatment in the U.S. AND for those who DO NOT REMEMBER HISTORY…….the leader of those “students” is NOW the President of Iran, none other than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He had spent the better part of the year taunting and repeatedly embarrassing the U.S. and Peanut-boy with the hostages and earning respect from the islamic radicals in the region. I arrived at SHAPE HQ to discover that while our NATO allies correctly still had great respect for U.S. military might, the U.S. Administration was considered the biggest joke in the Alliance (kinda like with Barry now). They correctly considered the president to be the most bumblingly inept with the worst staff of inexperienced advisors in since WWII. They clearly saw him as what he was. In 1980, Ronaldus Maximus was elected. OVERNIGHT the opinion of the U.S. gov’t did a 180 degree!!! The Alliance realized that, once again, a true leader was in the Oval Office and knew that “Play Time” with the Warsaw Pact and Russia was OVER. During his Inauguration, our hostages WERE ALREADY ON A PLANE LEAVING IRANIAN AIRSPACE. An Iranian diplomat attending, when asked by a reporter if there was any hidden message for the previous administration in the timing of the hostages’ release, replied with a smile, “What do YOU think?” Reagan ushered in an era of economic prosperity created by Reaganomics that lasted for decades, the longest economic upturn recorded in American economic history. There was not a time when I could not walk downtown seeking employment, and arrive home with at least three offers. With the help of staunch allies such as Margaret Thatcher, Reagan caused and oversaw the fall of the Soviet Union and the freeing of thousands in what was then Eastern Europe. I have driven through East Germany when it still existed. I have stood before the Berlin Wall. I have experienced the feeling of being in a country where you can go to jail just for writing what I write on WU&RA EVERY DAY!! If “oppression” were something physical, like water, it is as if you are drowning in it. Reagan ENDED IT!! But SO MUCH MORE than all of this…….Reagan restored our belief IN OURSELVES!! He ALLOWED us to believe once more in the greatness of American Ingenuity, Creativity, and Entrepreneurism!! He took gov’t off our backs and out of our ways and simply allowed us to “be Americans” again!! AND IT WAS OK TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT THAT AGAIN!! He helped us believe again in the “Shining Beacon On The Hill”!!! He SHOWED us; he TAUGHT us; he INSPIRED us that America was (and IS) STILL great because of Her People, Her Founding Principles, and Her History. So as you can see, I rather like the man, and make no apologies for it. Speak against him, and you’d better have your documentation in order, for I will have VERY LITTLE patience. Like I said – this IS a Benevolent Dictatorship, from which you may freely leave at any time. Doug
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 22:28:21 +0000

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