Based on Ezekiel 1-2. Through my daily readings back in The - TopicsExpress


Based on Ezekiel 1-2. Through my daily readings back in The Fall of 2008, God was basically saying to me, “I have told you.” So I started to record in my journals what He told me then, and I am sharing these on my blog under the label The Fall (Pun Intended) of 2008. As always, honest sharing and civil discourse are most welcome. Here we are Election Day and reading Ezekiel, when he saw the four creatures who went straight forward, wherever the Spirit wanted to go, not turning aside. It’s the part where Ezekiel was told to go to the nation and say to them, whether they hear or whether they refuse, “Thus says the LORD GOD.” We are not to be afraid or dismayed by their words or their looks. They are a rebellious house. This time of trial is all about coming to their wits’ end. Mere men must realize their need to consult the LORD GOD! Ezekiel was shown a scroll that was spread before him, and written on it were lamentations and mourning and woe (Ezekiel 1-2). Child, clap your hands! What joy will come forth in the midst of mourning. Remember, these are now the Dis-United States of America, for “unity” will be required through by-words. That which is not unity will start calling itself unity, and many will stand aghast to see Humpty Dumpty (so to speak) have a great fall. This day, my reading in Psalms says, “I see the treacherous, and I am disgusted because they do not keep Your word (Psalm 119:158).” It is encouraging to read in Hebrews 1:14 that You are sending forth all heaven’s help “to minister to those who WILL inherit salvation.” Lord, You have asked us to pray in such a time as this that as many as will come to You as will come, that Your enemies will be made Your footstool, that Your Bride will be readied for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Even now, Lord, as we wait and watch, we thank You. I especially thank You for my salvation that transforms my prayers into living sacrifice, wholly acceptable in Your sight – efficacious, a sweet fragrance to You on high. Lord, You are amazingly patient. Thank You for bearing with me as I have flailed through so many long phases of wrong thinking, doing whatever I deemed best without so much as consulting You. I gladly now receive with gratitude the fact of Your atonement. You have cleansed this temple and will cleanse all who receive Your Risen Life. There is nothing You cannot redeem! Redeem the time we have left, oh Lord. Let us come into Your pastures of purpose to walk in Your ways, under Your headship. Help us to offer Your Bread of Life and Living Water to any who are seeking Your way, the way You had in mind before time began. Amen. This photograph is by Liz Burnell.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 13:10:27 +0000

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