Based on information currently made public, my best >guess< as to - TopicsExpress


Based on information currently made public, my best >guess< as to what happened to the Malaysian flight: Attempted hijacking leading to catastrophic cabin disaster. The two transponders were turned off 14 minutes apart. Its possible both could have gone out simultaneously due to a catastrophic event such as the aircraft disintegrating in mid-air, but 14 minutes apart suggests a human was involved somewhere alone the line. Since 9/11 theres no point in hijacking an aircraft >unless< you let the authorities know who you are and what you intend to do ASAP. Otherwise theyll just blow you out of the sky and no one will fault them for doing so (well, outside of immediate families). The hijackers were able to assemble a bomb and / or poison gas weapon on board the aircraft either w/material smuggled aboard by ground crews or in tiny quantities allowed in carry on baggage (possibly plastic explosive formed into the shape of an innocuous object such as a toy or a hair dryer?). Hijackers wait until almost everyone is asleep, then seize first class cabin; the curtains separating the two cabin areas are probably already drawn so nobody who might be awake in the economy section knows whats going on. Demand pilots open cockpit door or they will blow up plane / release gas. Pilots do so. Hijackers assume physical control of aircraft, turn off first transponder. Pilots realize this signals something Very Serious will be done with the aircraft and attempt to regain control of the cockpit. Hijackers manage to turn off second transponder before releasing gas or its destroyed when bomb blows out cockpit windshields and starts a fire. Air rushing into cockpit and down length of main cabin at several hundred miles per hour fans small flames started by explosion into massive fire, consuming everything in its path: A mini-firestorm sweeps through, filling the cabin with fire, smoke, CO, and poisonous gases. Its very clinical to describe, but the passengers probably had two minutes of hellish existence before succumbing; not enough time w/all the screaming and confusing and people leaping from their seats for anyone to successfully use their cell phones to contact anyone. Alternative: Poison gas fills cabin before any passengers realize it. There are nerve gases that can kill in seconds; I dont know how easily a significant quantity of such gas could be carried / produced on an aircraft. The plane, now carrying a cargo of dead passengers, flies for some distance off the original course until it finally falls from the sky for one reason or another. US military is looking in the Indian Ocean, so Im guessing they feel theres enough evidence pointing in that direction (apparent Malaysians military radar had two unknown aircraft trackings that might have been this flight heading west). >If< the above is a correct guess, then the hijackers are either Malaysian separatists who dont give a rats patoot who they kill among their own countrymen, or they were non-Muslims. I base this on the assumption that Muslim terrorists would not direct an attack at an ostensibly neutral Islamic nation in the hopes of using one of their aircraft to attack the west or Russia; rather, they would strike at that particular great Satan directly. However non-Muslim terrorists w/gripes against China or some other SEAsia / Pacific state might be willing to sacrifice a plane load of Muslims w/o qualm. The terrorists cohorts on the ground, once they realized the hijacking had failed, kept quiet and faded back into the woodwork rather than tip their involvement. If this is indeed the case then theyll eventually try again.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 03:10:30 +0000

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