Based on the reaction I saw on my Obama salute post I was truly - TopicsExpress


Based on the reaction I saw on my Obama salute post I was truly considering not voicing my opinion on certain subjects again. I care for all my Facebook friends, even if we disagree, but when the comments turned nasty I was truly taken back. Because I put up a photo of former President Bush it was assumed I was blaming him when I actually said it wasnt a big deal either. I watched good people get mean with each other. I received some private messages that made me wonder if it was worth it. I saw people stoop to saying terrible things about the Presidents wife, about each other and I was appalled with the disrespect. That wasnt what I intended. However, I did see that my post helped many of those here in Utah who have been degraded and chastised because they chose the Left. I want to thank those who expressed their opinions, like my friend, Chad Anderson, who did so without getting mean or taking it personal. He made his statements without attacking those he disagreed with personally. How can one state that President Obama was disrespectful when they have no filter on disrespecting others with different opinions by calling them names or disregarding them as worthy human beings? And, although I know that racism exists, resorting to calling my right leaning friends racists isnt the best way to put ones point forward. Most importantly for me is my decision to stay Rob Miller. I dont know why I am who I am but I do have a voice and it seems that people resonate with that voice. Sometimes its positive. Sometimes it is not. But its a voice that will continue to speak its mind on whatever, whenever it chooses to do so. If you chose to disengage because you think less of me I understand, but I wont take it personally and I certainly wont throw you away because we disagree. Thats a big problem In todays world -- disregarding others in our community who have different opinions. Getting angry at them and seeing them as less or evil. I wont buy into that mentally or spiritually. I believe we are each others keepers. I believe we should love one another. Feel free to disagree. Feel free to attempt to change my mind. It does happen. But, please, dont attempt to change my heart or discourage me from caring about you. Thats my choice and Ive come along way to get to that reality and Im not stopping now. With every best wish, your friend, Rob
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 00:01:59 +0000

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